Saturday, April 30, 2011

Hello Darling

Hello Darling.
How are you?
You say it is cold where you are.
Well, you should be with me tonight.
You say you are lone some.
Well, you should be here with me.
You say your heart ache just will not leave
Even after you told it to go away.
Well, my heart ache has been with me
Since you said good - by.

By Brock


G - allantry in being noble with courage
I - ndulgant in what someone wants
V - erve is the enthusiasm
I - mpulsive act
N - ice in that you are pleasing yourself and someone else
G - uarantee that everything you give in love will work

By Brock

Do You Remember Love

We once looked at the rainbow after a rain
Now we only talk about the rain storm.
We once shared our triumphs
Now we don't share our individual pain.
The dreams we had have turned to regrets.
The silent beautiful moments of love
Not the silent moment of the harsh
Rough sound of a snore that came from
Your side of the bed.
The holding of hands to the push
And slam of the door to go our separate ways.
I remember our love.

By Brock

Each Day

Each day is a new beginning
Make it interesting.
Each day is a new opportunity.
Each day has a totally new horizon.
Start each day with one big hurrah
Just for yourself .
Believe each day you have something
New to learn.

By Brock

A True Man

Walk like a man.
Act like a champ today.
Always give your all.
Remember little things affect little minds.
Never take anything for granted.
Don't be a if only person.
Squeeze as much as you can out of each day.
Always stay cool.
Don't talk till you have some thing to say.
You will then be a champ in your eyes
But more than that you will be a true man,
And also a champ in someone else's heart.

By Brock

Love Angel

Love is an angel.
You are on one wing
I am sitting glowingly on the other glazing wing.
Together we are apart of the making
Of the most beautiful angle of all.
We will soar above all the angels.
We will fly as one.
We will always fly upward.
We are so happy and so high
That we will never have to flop either wing

By Brock


May we cherish our dancing Nice ' N ' Easy
Even in the Hon-Dah with hardly anyone
On the dance floor !
Let us not forget to cherish the past
And also today and the future that is
Yet to come.
Let us never ignore a simple beautiful
Rainbow ever more.
We have many more beautiful things
Yet to explore.
Have you seen any candy cotton fields ?
I have only seem them in my dream.
We must always cherish our simple dreams
For they simply may come true.
Never give up on a dream without a fight
For when you win you will get a big hug
From the ones you love.
You will never lose a battle when you
Have a friend who cares for you like me
Even if I can't dance as well as you do
But always cherish the smallest of things
From a friend's smile to the beautiful music
That true friends share on a dance floor.

By Brock

A Father Never Dies

When a father dies before his time.
He goes straight to heaven and gives his loved ones
More strength than they had ever before.
If it rains when he is buried,
It is God's way of washing away the father's sins.
If he had any in his life.
If a horse whinnies like old Tillie during the burial
It is old Tillie's way of telling God to open the gates
To heaven for a great farmer and rancher
Who always treated his horses and loved ones
With love and respect.
Old Tillie always loved dad for he always
Had plenty of horse sense !
When a father goes to heaven,
His eyes become satellites bigger than a rancher's dream
For rain in the spring and his vision over his love ones
Is never interrupted and he will always be able to see and
Hear his loved ones dreams and pains.
He will always feel what is in your heart.
So if you have anything to say to your father.
Don't ever be afraid to look to heaven and ask for his help
For your father like mine can help you and I for they have
An inside track to the all mighty God.

By Brock

Say Love

Do not isolate love,
Love is a touch.
Love gives me the sensation of walking
On a rainbow full of hope and with many
Bright colors,
Try and foster the feeling of love for ever and a day.
Love should never be taken for granted.
Let love make your day.
Love is never compulsory
If its there its there.
With love for your self and others
You'll find serenity.
Love opens many locked doors.
Can you say Love?

By Brock

Every Day

Every day that goes by
We lose a little of our selves
But we also gain a little thanks
To every one we meet and every
Thing we touch.
Squeeze as much as you can in a day.
Each day try and reach
Just a foot farther than what you plan
To do for remember a day is just a blink
In eternity.
Always hold your head up high
For there is always some one
Looking up to you.
Each day keep your self in tune and also
Keep your shirt open a little
But keep it on.
Every day that goes by try and stay cool !

By Brock

In Your Eyes

In your eyes I can see the furthermost
Star in the universe.
In your eyes I can see and feel the sunlight
On every stormy day.
In your eyes I see a treasure that is priceless.
Your eyes speak more honestly than if I held
+ my arms all night.
Your eyes speak more honestly than what you
And I will ever say.
Your eyes touch me more than if I held
You forever.
Your eyes give out more hope and light
To me than you will ever see.
You make me feel beautiful and strong
And that nothing can start without a dream.

By Brock

Live Your Life

Live your life to the fullest.
Don't ever shut all the open doors.
It takes a lot of people
To make someone special.
As soon as we all share our joys and pains,
We will be truly free.
We all have to believe
That we all are unique.
We need each other to live our lives
And to help us all hold our dreams.

By Brock


Today is the birthday of tomorrow.
Today is the first day of forever.
Today could not have come without yesterday.
Today is here for untried dreams.
Never waste a day in your life in an unproductive way.
Try to make today and every day a celebration.
As long as your name is not in the paper under obituary!
Today is now.
Today in its own special way is here for you.

by Brock

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Baby's World

A baby comes into this world
Without wearing a pair of dark glasses.
Their beat is always upward.
Their nose is never curled
They always spit up
Not like a snake!
A parent always loves ones child
But they make them wear glasses.
Parents tell everyone their kids are # 1
In their heart.
A baby never wears make up of any kind.
A child does not eat bologna!
A baby is here because of love for love
And always is willing to take a hold
Of this world with a smile.
A baby's mouth is never full of cotton!!
A baby never breaths stale air.
They hold you in the hollow
Of their little hands.
It is to bad they have to grow up so fast

By Brock

Oh What A Night

We held each other all night long.
I kissed you on top of the moon
And we danced with the rhythm
Of the silent flicker of one beautiful candelabra.
As we danced we were both free.
As we floated up above,
We both had joy in our eyes.
Oh it is sad I had to wake up
And put both my feet firmly on the ground

By Brock

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

All I Want To Do

All I want to do is write my poems.
It will help me sleep at night,
When I am alone.
I can continually hold onto my poems,
When I have no one to hold.
I may write a hit thanks to you
Breaking my heart.
Oh what a price!
I may find your big black hair brush,
But I can always throw away a hair brush,
But I can never throw away a memory
Not even at night.
I have my poem, but I also have four walls.

By Brock

Hi There

Here I am talking to you and your mother is fast asleep.
I want you always to have the best.
May your many beautiful balloons never burst.
Each day I hope to know you a little better.
We do not want to be up and down every night
Like a pump handle.
We all need and want a restful night to sleep that all.
Your mother found her greatest love inside her.
I hope you find love inside yourself.
You should always smile and laugh and always hear
Beautiful music and never be afraid to cry.
We will continually be but a shake and a rattle away
From you.
Take your world of dreams to the limit.
Don't ever be cheated out of anything in this glorious world.
I want you to be strong and yet be able to hold
Your mother's world in the palm of your hand.
As the months go by, I will have more to say,
And I will always be here for you.
Your mother and I will be so profusely happier
When you do come out of her womb,
But Oh God my the child be healthy and always come out smiling.

By Brock


Why is it that what is for the best
Seems always to hurt so much ?
Life has to go on,
But my hear is shut down.
The spring in my step is gone.
I need a smile from a true friend
A hug from a true loved one.
My new life has to start in a second,
With a positive outlook, which is the best for me.
I'm going to have some green tea.
Now, I am ready to take on the world,
But still I ask why?

By Brock


Anybody can be what they they want to be
Just look at me.
There is truth in tears and also in laughter to.
You can be alone and not be lonely you know.
Life is but a sweat filled marathon
Transcript of yesterday's dreams
Let us all dream forever.
May we never lose as a human race
The special touch of self creation.

By Brock

Grow Old

It is sad to grow old.
The pain throbbing from stem to stern
Like the watery eyes that run for no reason.
The plumbing that runs off and on.
The kind old hands have all wrinkled and become ruff.
The teeth have all gone, but there is no reason
Or no one to smile for.
Laughter grows old for there is no laughter
To share when you are alone.
The ears that can only hear the echo down the hall.
The walk becomes a shuffle.
The purpose in life has gone.
The hibernation in my old rocking chair
In front of my old faded TV or is it my eyes ?
The only screwing that is being done
At my house has to do with my reading lamp.
There is no reason to call anyone
For they have all gone their own way.
Everyone talks about yesterday never tomorrow.
The only thing I lean on is the memories when I was young.
Evening shadows are the only thing that keeps
Me company at night.
The only time I do my crying is in a rain storm
For I am on the short side of life for I am getting old.

By Brock

God Bless the Heroes

Heroes are but human beings, who take risk plus
Challenges that we dare but only dream about.
They soar with the eagles.
They do not know the word quit.
A hero is always in God's hands.
They never forget about tomorrow.
They are the ones who go first.
Sometimes you do not know a hero
Until he or she is gone.
Heroes tell you that life is worth living.
We will always have to let our heroes go.
They do not make heroes like they once did.
There is always a true hero just around the corner.
You just wait and see !
A hero's spirit never dies.
A hero knows the love of a challenge
Never the cost of win or lost.
A hero always seems to be ahead of their time.
I have your picture but God has you in his arms.
All heroes are a cut above the rest.
Heroes always reach for the next star.
Some heroes go so high as to being personally
Coached by God.
Everyone feels part of the family of heroes.
A feeling of catharsis is with a hero when he wins
Or loses
They are all pioneers.
They know the grandeur of life.

By Brock

Dream Time

Our love never rocked like a baby's cradle.
I can not see me holding you,
When I listen to the radio.
It does not matter how far I go
When the radio dial late at night.
I'm living only on dream time.
Every night is numbered
But nobody is counting.
I got my head in the lost and found.
Now, I always miss the red sun rise,
Because my blood shot eyes are under the pillow.
Now, I only whisper secrets to the cold for walls.
I am cherishing your love tonight,
But it is just to late.
You are just no where to be found
I really must be on dream time,
Because the rainbow even said good-by.

By Brock

Sweep Away

If I could sweep away the clouds
And pump the sky with the greatest
Rainbow of all time,
I know you wouldn't ever forget
What I would do to make you happy.
I would teach you to rebound after a good cry.
There is always a predicament in growing
Up and growing old a like
So let us all just go at it one day
At a time and always go for broke
And make sure your feathers fly high.
The world will never turn over
To many times for you or me.
Always try to cook up something new.
Be cool yet always warm in the heart.
You are a success if only you try and see.

By Brock


Time takes away many things,
But never our dreams.
Time takes away a child's childhood.
Time takes away the strength of mom and dad's hands,
But never our memories.
Time takes away the untruthful,
But never the truth.
Time takes away the past,
But never the future for we always have our dreams

By Brock

Nicole Holly

Today she is may she always be
Pure joy and love to those
Who come into her world.
When you carry her she will carry
You back further than you will ever carry her
May her opportunities in life
Never be cut by anything other
Than by the golden ribbons in her hair.
May her world always be the color
Of a million rainbows rowed into one.
May she always judge people
Only be her heart never be by their color
Or by the way they act or by what people
Say for her heart rules her world today.
May she never abuse her beautiful life.
May she never be lost by any means.
May she find what ever she is looking for.
Daddy and Mom help me!

By Brock

My Dream

Underneath the sun we lay in the grass
Lying in each other's arms we let the hours pass
Watching the birds above us pass on by
Our feelings were like the waves in the
Ocean that grow so high

Sharing our feelings like we always do
You kissed me lightly and said " I love you ".
When our eyes met, we knew that this feeling
We share is for real
And this feeling I have for you no one
Could ever steal

This is my dream that I have every night
And if I keep praying, it has to turn out right
I dream that you are always by my side
I dream that we will love each other
Until the day we die

I dream that when I need you, you're always there
I dream that you really care
And I keep dreaming that all my dreams
Will come true
Even with all our problems, we'll make it through
But trust ne, love and you shall see
No one could ever care or love you
More than me

By Brock

Totally Discreet

If we could have just one night
With each other we would be totally volant
We would float above the constellations
Once we are there we would go from one
Heavenly body to another.
Together we would create a festival
Of lights but more than a festival of love
The music of the angels would keep us
On love time.
We know everything will turn out fine.
We will never be totally discreet
With out love for each other
For we are so high tonight

By Brock

Treasure of Smiles

May you begin every day with a smile
On your face and end each night
By vacuuming your heart
Out with a friend and never be afraid
To listen to a friend so at night
There is a smile in your heart
A smile on your face
For we are all treasures of God

By Brock

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


True love may startle you at first
But loving some one is the best time in life
Love causes a future
The motive of love is more love nothing more
Each morning you awaked with me
You always hold the morning light
I'm telling you sunshine I still love you

By Brock


Where do I go, When my teacher is gone?
He always had magic in his eyes.
The safest I ever felt was when he
And I sat side by side in his big
Chair and we would watch the show
Gunsmoke in black and white.
He lived for the special moments.
He never expressed pain only to say
Hi Smiley.
He made the fork talk at supper time.
He used his saddle strap if ever
I got out of hand.
He sang Black Bird as if the little bird
Could sing with the angels all day long.
Now, I have no one to tell my secrets to.
Where do I go when my teacher is gone?


Someday, happiness will come, and we
Shall be together someday.
Someday all the hurt will end,
And I will come your way.
Someday you'll look for me and I'll look
For you and we'll become one.

Someday all these grey skies will float
Away and turn blue.
Someday our lips will meet and our
Lives will be complete.
Someday all the loneliness we feel will
Dry up and fade away.
Yet our love will stay.

Someday your hand will join mine
And all the love we thought we'd lost
We'll find.
Someday no one will tell us not to touch
One another.
Someday we'll be together and there'll
Be no other.

Someday all those miles that separate us
Will turn out only to be steps.
Someday we'll turn to our right
And learn that love was waiting for
Us in the night.

By Brock


Turn the lights down low
So there's only a glow,
Close the door and turn the key,
Then let your heart be set free.

Lie beside me so I can feel your touch
Then the warmth of our bodies will Grow so much.
Enter my kingdom and we we shall find
Only our hearts, passion, and our mind.

Taste the love that has been growing
Only in this tunnel of love which is
Still now flowing.
Discover the way my heart beats faster
Only when you are near.

So hold my body and we shall take this
Journey without any fear.
Let me discover the fantasy of my dream
Only a star away which isn't as far
As it seems.

Let us breathe each others breath
And though we shall never die, we
Shall never fear death.
Beneath the sea in a crystal white shell
There our hunger and passion shall dwell.

By Brock

Thinking Of You

When I think of you love
All I have to do is look at a sunset.
When I see a bright lit sunset
Hanging over a quiet still lake,
I think of your smile.
In the soft morning breeze,
I feel your kiss.
I feel more more for you than the eggs
In the morning fry.
My heart rejoices for love
Of a new day,
As the light from your soul
Shines onto mine,
I will always be in touch with you.

By Brock

Keeping It Together

I am somebody
You are somebody
We are as good as the people
Ahead of us or as well
As the people behind us
For what really counts
Is what is in our hearts

By Brock

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Holding You

I just want to hold you
Not worry about the time of day,
Night or the time of year
only that we are together
The silent moment or two that we share
Will bring beautiful harmony and put a melody
To our own music in the silent's of togetherness
We will make pillow mountains and we will
Together knock them down
We will never be separated by our hearts
Only by a dog's body or his loving tongue
I just want to hold only you again and again
And trust in happiness

By Brock

Lover's Anniversary Prayer

We shall look to the future with beautiful dreams
Never the past.
We never take each other for granted,
But my be our time, when we are in each others arms,
My ears will always be pealed to try to hear
And also to understand, who you are.
I try to drive you into my arms by the way of the stars.
May I stir your stomach up only with a pan of love
Never with iron bars on a grill.
May laughter always mean joy to us all.
If ant tears shall fall,
May I be a part of your healing tears too.
We shall treat each other forever with respect.
May we each have our own oar, when we are in a boat
Together on vacation.
May we never talk with a loaded gun.
I shall only hit you with surprises that you will enjoy.
Our relationship will grow and never sink to the bottom of the beautiful sea.
May I help you be happy in your heart therefore
My heart will be happy and full each day and every anniversary.

By Brock

My tribute To You

This is a Tribute to you.
In the winter time the body seems harder to move.
When I go out side I simply get the chills,
It bites my nose and stings the toes,
But all I have to do to get warm is think of you.
In the spring the body wants to dance.
I want to be with you.
And never do the many spring things as a solo.
In the summer time everything looks beautiful
Along side the one I love.
There is music everywhere.
The doves hover over us
Like we are apart of their nest of instinctive love.
In the fall , love becomes more of a challenge.
When I go to a football game I think of ways
To tackle the challenge of loving you
With more ways than with communication.
When I go hunting , I think of you.
I feel so high I could hunt ducks and pheasants with a rake.
Love is not all talk.
I just want to let you know all year round I think of you
From love, laughs, black eyes, the cries, the shouts the pouts
But leave no doubt I love you.
As I write this with my heart and the year has come to an end,
I look at the Christmas tree and wish you were here
I will always work at our love.
I wish you were here now to wipe my eyes for my eyes are a little wet.
Happy New Years sweetheart!!

By Brock


I have no desire for gold
Or all that money can buy
I have no need for fame
For special honors I don't try
Sunny days with you are all to few
And rainbows fade in a while
So I place my faith in you sweetheart
They say dreams are for sleeping
But I also day dream about your smile
My Smiley

By Brock

I Miss You

Immensely adore
Scurry with love
Shiver for a hug from you

By Brock

A May Basket Dream

Oh my love there are nights that I close my eyes
To go to sleep and if I am lucky I have a dream.
If I dream what I feel, I will see your face in my dream.
If I eat in my dream, I hope it is a May basket full
Of your sweet juicy red tomatoes, which are love
Apples that you gave to me.
Oh, If only if, I am lucky in my dream I hope to see
A beautiful smile from your juicy lips of red.
The true color of love is always flowing from your heart
For it is always in you
I want to retire in your arms and want you to hold me
And when I hold you I know I will hold up forever.
Oh my love this is only a dream until I hold you for real.
I will close my eyes tonight knowing I will truly
Feel and see and touch more than tomatoes very soon.
The true dream of my life.
I will see you sweetheart.

By Brock

Saturday, April 9, 2011


There are many kinds of treasures.
There are treasures that are not always a friend,
But when I open your door
I see a friend that is always a treasure in my heart.
You are my special treasure
And I love you so.
I just want to let you know
I miss the treasure of my life.

By Brock


Every day is brand new and brings a total new horizon.
The horizon oh so beautiful is never a true limit to anyone.
The best way to handle each new day
Is just like a woman simply love her
For tomorrow the day and your woman may
Be more beautiful than you could ever believe.
Never put a limit to anyone
Or what you can do with each new day
For you may be surprised out of your socks.

By Brock

A Handicap

The definition of a handicap is explained as a race, contest,
Game ect, in which the better contestants are given certain
Disadvantages or the poorer ones certain advantage
So that all have an equal chance to win.
There are disadvantage or advantage given.
You can give a handicap too.
Something that puts a person at a disadvantage is a hindrance.
People give themselves a handicap by complaining to themselves.
Then to others about their hair, lips, the size of their nose.
The size of their ears, the size of this, the magnitude
Of that, the length of this and that.
When you take a photograph of someone you may see one or more
Physical handicaps in the photo, You may never see
All the handicaps in the photo or in you.
There are people who have many or just one handicap.
They may have lost something
But a person who has a handicap never loss hope or esteem
Of themselves.
It is what is inside us all that we share that is a heart
And therefore there will always be hope of equality
For us all.

By Brock

The Soul

Inside my soul the birds always sings.
The grass continually grows.
The stars multiply night after night.
The sun never shines to bright.
Inside my soul the days and nights
Never collide nor fight for my soul
Is truly my heart and my eyes.

By Brock

A Bite Or A Hug

A mosquito bit me today, for he is a beast of pray
Of Saturdays.
He took my blood just his bellyful.
I don't miss the blood at all.
I only have the mosquito itch now.
You are a nurse.
You can take my blood I would only miss your needling me,
Not like a mosquito itch or scratch through out the night.
I miss you for you take my breath away.
I wish , we could together hug the day and night away.
A hug says , I LOVE YOU.
A hug says you are all right.
I hug says you are special to me.
A hug does not draw blood.
A hug does not give out an itch .
A true loving hug last longer in my heart
Than a mosquito's bite or its itch
Or a nurse's needling me.
I just want you to know I miss you and your hugs.

By Brock


L - Is for the lollipop
We shared and the sticky
Stick we held together.

O- Is for the openness
Of your heart
And all the other
Barriers that fly open
With a smile.

V- Is for the violets
That grow around
Your feet in my dreams.

E- Is for the evergreen trees
That will always stay
Green and alive
Like our love.

By Brock


Tomorrow is positiveness in believing in one day at a time.
It is always a start but never always an end.
Tomorrow presents questions but not always answers.
Tomorrow is a need.
Tomorrow is to learn.
Tomorrow is to go forward.
Tomorrow is always a new way.
Tomorrow always comes.
Always be thankful for tomorrow.
There is humanity in every tomorrow.
Tomorrow comes by and by.

By Brock

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Wind

The wind that blows out of the clouds through the trees.
The wind that halloo through the quiet house.
Oh the wind!
I remember the winds of yesterdays.
After it goes so fast, the wind sounds the same,
Day after day after day.
Wind always leaves
Leaves in it's path.
Even leaves go down the street,
So watch the wind blow.

By Brock

A Child

A child is brought to us for and because of love.
A child does not know the pain of the heart.
They never know how to say dilemma
Or make a dilemma only to say mama.
They get their strength from what they see
And what they touch and from whom and what they hold on tight to.
They know how to cry.
They know why.
They don't even know to lie.
It is life that they grow up
But when they grow up they learn pain and dilemma
And the strength of their body
But they forget how to cry
But they learn to lie
They forget to say love.

By Brock

By Your Side

I'll be by your side
When ever you need me.
I'll always rock you to sleep.
I will tell you stories
That come straight from paradise rainbow land.
They will put a smile on top of your frown.
The smile will last all night long
I promise you little one.
By Brock

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Happy Anniversary

You put a sparkle in my eyes.
You bring a meaning to my life.
There will be no hang up on your love.
There will be no wild curve troughed on a sunny or cold day.
I will never turn my back on you.
I'll support you in what ever you do.
I'll never put a stop sign on our love.
I will work at our relationship so that it is stronger
And even better.
You will never be taken for granted
But I may grant your next wish.
You tickle my fancy and I hope to thrill and give
You more shivers when ever we are together.
If I ever rub you the wrong way,
The purpose was and is always to rub happiness
Through your toes by the way of our heart.
May we always cook something up together that is good.
Our love will never go stale.
I wish you love and always will,
May our next anniversary be even better.
You got me where it counts with love.

By Brock

Please Take Me As I Am

We all get older much older in the slow rain that comes
Down as a drizzle in the fall and particularly
When the heavy wet snow comes blowing down your back
On a cold wintry day.
Please , listen to me
I need someone who could show me how to live and to survive
In this imperfect world.
You are there when I need a friend.
We all try to understand and some times,
When we disagree I need you and you need me
To give all our own human needs.
Please take me as I am.
You are there even when I left on my own
Just to know you care.
You come through walls between us for true love
Never get lost in the shadows of loneliness
If there are big walls near by or not.
I'm on my way home.
Please take me as I am.
Please take me as I am.

By Brock

Without Hope

Without risk nothing will happen.
Without grief nothing meaningful will happen.
Every thing will start with one small step.
You learn by taking risk but you learn much more from grief.
With risk and with grief you have to have hope.
Without hope you have nothing at all.
By Brock

Snow White Winter

Every object out side is as white as a wedding gown.
The homes of winter are heated with a fire place a glow.
With the warmthness of the love of the family
Who dwell with in.
On a snow white wintery night,
People are seen walking in the light
In the snow holding hands to share warmth of one another.
Oh isn't it nice to have love during a snow white winter.
By Brock