Thursday, February 27, 2014

I Pray

I pray every day .
I should never ask God why .
I can sure question God's plan .
I always pray for my loved ones
I know we are always in God's hands .
When I hear the word no
And people tell me
It can not be done ,
I pray for healing 
And then just pray more .
The meaning of the word  no
To me these days is : next opportunity .
The next prayer God knows what I mean  .
I just keep praying .
                                        By Brock

Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Gift

I am your grandpa .
I am only just one in your family
Who are ambassadors
For Christ and you .
I will crown you with kindness and compassion  .
I will give you the gifts of wisdom ,
Courage and hope .
I will make a living by loving you .
There is such a reward with just doing that .
We all want you to have joy and fun every day .
When we are with you
It's funny how time slips away .
We all will get older
And you will get better
With all the gifts we give you over time .

                                                   By Brock

Joy Is Love

Joy is love and changes a life .
Joy is knowing that God loves you ,
And joy is the delight you feel
Each time you give God's love away .
Bring laughter , call people smiley ,
Find time to play together ,
Find time to sing together .
Bring happiness to each other
Each day by being optimistic
And look for the best
That you can do .
Put a smile on a lonely face
Each day by bring a big donut or 2
Or 3 to eat each day might do the trick !
It will change your life too !
                                     By Brock

Listen To Me

It will take many heartaches
Before you sometimes
Get what you want done correctly
But you have a big heart  .
Listen to me
You need today
To get to tomorrow  .
What you learn today is nice ,
But you need to move on
And learn more tomorrow .
Does anything I said ,
Make since to you ?
Just listen little one
And you  will learn
More than you know .
Always keep your heart
And ears open .

                         By Brock

I'm Aging

I can not see
What I once could always see
I can not pee .
I can not chew .
I can not screw .
Oh those things I could always do ,
Oh Lord , what can I do ?
Oh yes I can pray .
My memory shrinks  .
My hearing stinks .
I look like hell .
I'm still a coach in my dreams
And a master fisherman too .
My mood is not always great
Can't you tell .
The golden years have come at last 
But I pray to the Lord
That I will be a real good grandpa after all .
                                            By Brock

Just Grandpa

Grandpa Jim and grandpa Tiny
Were always locked and loaded
To take the grandchildren where
Ever there were to go .
You could always talk to grandpa .
Grandpa Jim he knew it all
All you had to do is just ask him .
You may not always understand
What he said or what he did for you .
He always knew what was best for you .
He knew the Lords work
And his meaning of the Lord's words .
Grandpa Jim  knew the true meaning of love
Of giving and forgiving and understanding
The grandchildren  and his family .
It  took him some time to understand
Everything in being a grandpa  and all .
Grandpa Tiny , he is the quiet grandpa .
He did not say much
But he had that monkey grin .
I think he knew just as much as grandpa Jim
But he did not care if anyone knew it .
Grandpa Tiny was always locked and loaded
To take the grandchildren where ever they wanted to go .
Grandpa Tiny loved to watch the children
And loved them until the end .
I wish those two grandpas were here
Today to help me .
I would call them for advice .
I talk to them about every day these days .
It's just to bad they don't talk back to me these days .
 I learned so much from them
Two grandpas
Thank you grandpas
I love you two
I pray that I can do just 1/2 as great a job as you  two
as a new  grandpa  .

                                                            By Brock

Sunday, February 9, 2014

You Can Not Be Down For Ever

You can not keep everything pushed down .
You need to be opened to the beautiful world .
It is ok to cry .
It is ok to laugh your head off .
You need to live .
You will have some hurt and some pain once and a while .
You will stop crying some day .
You will laugh out loud one day
Because you made it this far today .
Just try to make it one day at a time
And everything will be ok .
The Lord said , trust me for I will love you always .

                                                               By Brock

It Never Hurts

It never hurts to be optimistic
It never hurts to smile .
It never hurts to laugh .
It never hurts to say I love you .
It never hurts to say Joy .
It never hurts to pray .
It never hurts to believe 
And do these things
Each and every day .

Your Grandpa

Your grandpa shines his guiding light
Not in front but behind his grandchildren
Inviting his grandchildren to follow his good deeds everyday .
Grandpa can always correct what was already done !
He knows how to build faith with prayer .
He knows how to talk to you .
He knows how to listen to you .
He knows how to pick you up .
He knows how not to let you down .
He knows how to smile and to laugh  .
He knows not to give up ,
He will sing you to sleep .
He will show you how to work
And yet how to play and yet how to learn
And yet how to have fun doing it each day .
Yes , your grandpa will always be here for you .

                                                       By Brock

Saturday, February 8, 2014

When I'm With You

When You play ,
I can not look away  .
When you are little ,
And you are with me ,
I just would like to know
Your thoughts and desires
And where do you get your energy ?
Your always on the go
When you are with me .
Your just like scattered leaves
On a windy day  .
I never know where your going to go next  big guy
Or what you will say next .
I will just have to wait and see.
You do not know the word wait .
I do know the meaning of the word wait
And I do not like to wait either ,
Big guy or Smiley !!!!!!

                                       By Brock

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Wall

I don't feel nifty after fifty  .
I no longer have the gun slinger walk !!
Once in a while I will go along and hit a wall
So I just stop get my cell phone and call my friend and talk .

I tell him I am fine for the shape I'm in ,
But he truly knows my voice .
He always picks me up
When I hit my wall for he knows me so well .
He knows what to say to me every time .
There is no substitute  for a friend like you .
                                                            By Brock

Sunday, February 2, 2014

He And His Horse

It is the year of the horse
And I have a little buck-a-roo
Coming out of the chute real soon  .
He will show his true grit real quick 
For he is a cowboy to me .
He can really giddy up and go already  .
He does not want anyone to hold him down .
He likes a zipity  do da day .
He will ride on grandpa's knee
Until mom says no more .
When he gets older ,
He will ride Tilley
The red horse that has 4 springs
That will help the cowboy bounce up and down
And have fun just watching TV .
One day he will have his own horse
And the reins to show the world
That he can ride in his own giant world .
He and his horse will not be stopped .

                                                By Brock

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Dad Said

When you are down
You can get up .
I'm to focus on God morning
Noon and night .
Don't ever take the weight
Of the world on my shoulder ,
There are so many things I can achieve .
I need to imagine and believe in miraculous .
Believe in myself and in God and trust in him .
God gave me all that  I need
And all that I can handle ,
Again all I have to do is believe in myself
And in God and trust him always .
These are just a few things dad told me
Before he passed away .

                                              By Brock

Dad Said

When you are down
You can get up .
I'm to focus on God morning
Noon and night .
Don't ever take the weight
Of the world on my shoulder ,
There are so many things I can achieve .
I need to imagine and believe in miraculous .
Believe in myself and in God and trust in him .
God gave me all that  I need
And all that I can handle ,
Again all I have to do is believe in myself
And in God and trust him always .
These are just a few things dad told me
Before he passed away .

                                              By Brock