Monday, February 25, 2013

I Wish

I had one of those days
When nothing went right
When night came lighting
Was right behind me .
I wish , I could run away .
No matter what I did or said ,
I did not get anything done right
And even said right .
It was so dark outside
The sun was even hiding from me .
I’m about to lose my mind .
I wish , I was you
So I could be friends with me .
                    By Brock

The Man Harley

He went to the school of hard knocks
He worked harder than the next .
He had to prove himself not to himself
But to others .
They say he was a nice guy
But complicated because they
Did not know him .
He was in a wheel chair
But he got around
Even when he went backward  .
It was ok ,
Because he went where
He wanted to go
From time to time he had to tap his breaks !
He always smiled no matter what .
He might have from time to time
Had eggs on his face.
Some people would help the guy .
Sometimes people would put him
In the fire and he would not say a word
Even when he got hurt .
I learned a lot from the man called Harley .
                                               By Brock

The School Of Hard Knocks

You  will always go to school until you die .
You may never go to all the schools
You want to go to .
You might not get a paper saying
You graduated at all .
The school of hard knocks
Will pass you on to God
At the end of your days .
The school of hard knocks
Teaches you more than what is in a book
Or on paper ,
But what you learn on the street .
Keep walking , listen, watch the world
Around you and keep your head up always .
Never look back but always work hard my boy .
                                            By Brock

A Moment In Time

Would you let a child catch a fish ?
Would you let a child shoot a gun
And then tell him he hit the gopher way out there
Even if he didn’t do it
It would be a moment in time for the child ?
Would you arm wrestle a child and let him win ?
Let him win a game?
Let him win a race ?
Let him fly a kite real high ?
Let him do something special
That he wanted to do all his life
For his special moment in time ?
When you have a hand
In a child’s moment in time ,
You will have a true moment in time
Yourself even if you are not a coach
For you let him be a coach even in his dreams .
                                          By Brock


Today is today
Yesterday was yesterday
Tomorrow is a dream
Today makes dreams for tomorrow
So don’t waist a day
Not even one 24 hour
For today a dream you may see
So open your bright wide eyes every day
                                                    By Brock

Open Up

We all  need to have a open heart .
We all need to keep an open mind .
We all need to keep our eyes open .
When ever we get to a fork in the road ,
We must  find courage and compassion  .
We should commit to the Lord
Whatever we do and our plans
Will success.
As long as we keep everything open ,
With everyone we meet .
                             By Brock

My Time

We all have something special its time .
I always try to leave a hand print
A foot print every where I go
So I always try to think of what I have done
And have not done .
Time passing is a good thing .
My mission is timeless .
Living is using time with passion
And purpose .
Time always catches up with us .
Remember father time is undefeated ,
So I do not want to waist any time or dreams .
                                         By Brock

Knock Knock

You never need to knock
To get into God’s house .
You never need to knock
To get into mom and dad’s house .
You never need to knock
To get into grandma and grandpa’s house
You never need to knock
To get into a true friends house .
These homers are always open  to us  ,
But sometimes someone wiser
Than I may say take off your shoes
Before you come in !
                                       By Brock

Monday, February 18, 2013

Snoot Bubbles And Tears

Snoot bubbles and tears ,
If you have gone through hell keep going .
When you are crying ,
The sun will not strike you by day
Nor the moon at night .
I lift my eyes to the hills
From where will my help come ?
A crisis does not last forever .
Rejection is God’s protecting .
Stop the snoot bubbles and tears
Its always ok to use your snoot rag .
It is a new day tomorrow
So tomorrow start a new .
                                By Brock

Test Or Trust

You don’t test God
You trust God .
Children always test their parents .
They should always trust their parents .
Children will be children !
Parents should always trust the grandparents .
Children always trust their grandparents .
Family and friends should trust
Each other always .
We all trust God
We never test him .
He is always with us
Through thick and thin .
                               By Brock

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Fast Fast

Do you always know what fast means ?
Fast with your eyes slowly .
Fast with your ears when they are clean !
Fast with your mouth even when it is closed .
Fast with your hands more so when they are shut  .
Fast with your body the best you can .
Fast with your feet and watch where they land .
Fast from judging others .
Fast from anger resentment and bitterness.
Fast from complaining .
Don’t ever go to fast , but always
Find time to think .
                                    By Brolck

Thursday, February 14, 2013


When fishing there is always
A ripple of hope and joy .
It does not depend how you start
Or the time of day but how you finish .
When fishing it does not depend on
Your  age just that you get away
From it all and time seems to just fly by .
You are in charge of your own line all day !
You know what I mean just relax  .
You may have to reel down deep sometimes
To get the big ones .
Every day fishing is a special gift .
When fishing with friends ,
Friends become family
And family become friends .
When fishing, we are all truly blessed
Even when the big ones get away !
                                             By Brock

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The 2013 Coach

The path has been prepared
For the player
Rather  than prepare the player
For the path .
Trust is earned today by the coach .
Yesterday’s coaches trust came
With the title .
The player today will ask why
Not yes sir .
Sometimes as coach you have to
Recreate new beginnings
And new momentum .
As a coach you can always
Push the reset button .
The coach knows!
                       By Brock

Monday, February 11, 2013


Never stop trying to be
The best you can be .
Growing pains never stop .
You never lose if you lead
With your heart .
You should never feel alone
With all your friends around .
Be a player never a patient .
Never question  I love you bunches .
We never learn  anything
From ignorance .
If you ever think twice
About doing something
You should never do it please .
The fastest healing part of our body
Is our mouth  never forget it never .
Never be afraid to use
The word never  you see
The word never always makes
Us think always .
Never use the word never
You see ha ha got yea !!!!

Love Angel

Love is an angel .
You are on one wing
I am sitting glowingly on the other glazed wing  .
Together we are apart of the making 
Of the most beautiful angel of all .
We will soar above all the angels .
We will fly as one .
We will always fly upward .
We are so happy and so high
That we will never have to flap either wing .
                                            By Brock

Sunday, February 3, 2013

God Bless The Heroes

Heroes are but human beings, who take risk plus
Challenges that we  dare but only dream about .
They soar with the eagles  .
They do not know the word quit .
A hero is always in God’s hands .
They never forget about tomorrow .
They are the ones who go first .
Sometimes you do not know a hero
Until he or she is gone  .
Heroes tell  you  that life is worth   living .
We will always have to let our heroes go free .
They do not make  heroes like they once did  .
There is always a true hero just around the corner .
You just wait and see !
A hero’s spirit  never dies.
A hero  only knows the love of a challenge
Never the  cost of win or lose .
A hero always seems to be ahead of their time  .
I have your picture but God has you in his arms .
All heroes are a cut above the rest  .
Heroes always reach for the star .
Some heroes go high as to being personally
Coached by God .