Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Spend Your Time

When you go fishing with a friend
You will have had fun when the day
Comes to an end .
Do not over look life's small joys
While searching for the big ones .
When hunting for pheasants ,
Always keep your head up
And always be grateful for what is up above .
When you go for a run in the morning
Under the new rising sun ,
Think how free you feel today .
Spend your time and energy creating beautiful memories
Not criticizing things and people each day .

By Brock

Monday, December 26, 2011

A Boost Up

I heard a song or two
That helps me think of you
I wish you were here just for me
But I know that it no longer can be
Sometimes my hopes let me down
I need a boost up to ride on your knee
Just one more time
Oh I wish I could hear you sing
Ave Maria if just for me
Oh Lord , I need a boost up please Lord
Help me today and every day lets sing together

By Brock

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Past And Future

You say you are nothing ,
But you are everything to me .
You always think of the past .
Did you know when you think of the past
You have to think of the future
And how lucky you are .
After all these years , you know
Things change with just a blink of an eye .
How many times have you blinked
Your beautiful eyes today ?

You have beautiful eyes you know .
You are special to me and the Lord every day .
Always look forward to the future
And never be afraid to open
The next door .

By Brock

Little Girl To Mom

One night a little girl came into her mother's room .
The little girl was crying up a storm .
Her daddy had died a few days ago
And this was the first time that the little girl
Wanted to talk .

She asked mommy where is daddy now ?
The mother wiped away the tears away from the little girl's
Eyes and wiped her tears as well .
The mother held the little girl trying to think of something right to say.
She told the child that the greatest daddy of them all had gone to heaven .
The little child said with hope in her eyes ,
Where is heaven and can I go to ?

The mother with a frog in her throat said heaven is above the stars outside .
She said the stars are the bottom of heaven and each star
Is a window for daddies to always keep an eye on their children .
The little girl through for a time and said it must be great in heaven
If the bottom of heaven looks like this at night .
She said will I ever get to heaven ?
The mother said with love in her voice oh yes we will all
Be there with daddy someday.
Let us go to sleep tonight so daddy can sleep easy tonight.

By Brock

Baby Emily

I will tell you a little lullaby .
I never want to see my baby girl cry .
When you wake from a bad dream ,
I will be there to hold that baby of mine .
I vow to love you through thick and thin .
I will give you laughter , when you are down ,
But I will also teach you right from wrong .

Baby since you are so young , I will kiss
The protuberance of your check bones
And keep away your tears .
I will worry about the protuberance of your breast
And hips when you get much older for you see
You will always be daddy's little girl , you see .
You have such wide spread eyes today .
I only hope you don't grow up to fast or realize
To fast how narrow minded and near-sighted the whole
World can be .

You are so young .
You are so devastatingly beautiful of a baby .
I will always be here to protect you no matter
How old you become .
You will always be my little girl .
I will try to keep you in the Winnie-the-pooh world ,
As long as I can for I love you so .
I will always pray that you will grow up and be happy
In this world I touched and nurtured for you .

I will always help you .
I hope we continue to be friends .
I hope we continue to be buddies .
I vow to always keep you happy , protected and loved
To the very end my little baby Emily .

By Brock


Nothing is stronger than tenderness
Nothing is stronger than hope
Nothing is stronger than the wings
Above you
Nothing is stronger than ones dreams
Nothing is stronger than friends
Nothing is stronger than to have heart
Nothing is stronger than laughter
Nothing is stronger than love
Nothing is stronger than a hug
Nothing is stronger than believing in the Lord

By Brock

Monday, December 19, 2011

True Friends

When you call a friend at any hour
And they come right over ,
They do not first ask what is the problem ,
That is a true friend .
A true friend will tie your shoe ,
When you can not even bend over .
They will cut your meat
To help you eat .
You may be lucky to be related to them too .
They will take you places
You could not get to by yourself .
they will protect you at all cost ,
They help make your dreams come true .
I have true friends do you ?
To my true friends may God Bless
And thank you from the bottom of my heart .

By Brock

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Old Man

You are getting old , when you get up in the morning
And you feel like a rooster , that could not crow .
When you spend the day at the kitchen table ,
Looking out the window
And you hope a fly lands on the table
So that you can kill it with a fly swatter
Or if you are real energetic
You can try and kill the fly with your old rusty hammer ,
Boy ! you are old .

You are old , when you get on the phone just to talk to
The operator so you would have someone to talk to .
When your nights are spent watching TV , with the volume
At full blast , you are old .

When your vocabulary is made of negative words
And vulgar words and you use only a few good chosen statements
Like :
"What did you say "
"What did you say "
"Oh what the hell"

When you go to sleep at night , you put your teeth in a glass
Of water on top of your night stand .
The only thing that keeps you warm at night is a electric blanket .
How old are you ?
What did you say ?

By Brock

Saturday, December 17, 2011

After 40 years

Miller High School Hall Of Fame
Added Butch Cassidy and his hole in the wall
Gang of 72 in to their hall of fame .
After 40 years , they did not run at all.
There was no big bang from the big big Green Machine
The players all are let me say 1/2 inch shorter if not more .
The gang is still running and gunning
In a still special way their memories .
After 40 years the smoke has cleared .
They will go down in history as
One of the best basketball teams
Of South Dakota ever .
They were a family before the basketball game
It was just a game they played.
They played games of all kinds
They are a family even today
Coach Brock knows !!!!
After 40 years , they all tried to make free throws
But because of father time only one player made
The basket this night after 40 years .

In my memory , I still remember
The guy who shot a 44 just inside ,
A guy who shot a 22 from the wings ,
A guy who shot a 34 from were ever even from up on top ,
A guy who shot a 32 cal. gun from the boon docks
Who never missed
And a gut who shot a 40 cal. gun
Who liked to out jump them all .

Now after 40 years all the guns are rusty .
We will always have happy memories
Of the 72 basketball team
That was a special family
In every way.

With all that speed
And all those guns
And all that power
After 40 years
And all this time
Let us all take time to rest
So our memories can race
In our heads .

By Brock

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I Found My Home

I am all alone and I need you now .
Nobody can do your job
The way you know how .
God knows who I am always .
Something's make you swallow twice .
It is ok for the sun to catch you crying
Morning , noon or the moon at night .
You do not count how many times
You hit the floor ,
But how many times you get up
Off the floor .
My home has one main floor .
It has more doors than just one main door .
I like to say my father has
The door open for me .
My father is always with me .
The home I found is the church .

By Brock


You never forget how to pray
You can pray in the morning
In the afternoon and at night
You can pray at anytime
You know he hears you
And he will come again
Don't worry about what you tell him
He hears you
He understands you
He watches over you
So be ready for thee
So pray for peace and love and happiness
In the world and for you and me

By Brock

Enough Time

Enough Time

We never have enough time
Time keeps slipping away
Time can run fast and long
Sometimes it can craw along
There is no extra time at all
Because it will be a different time
With time you can make things better
The sun is in the west
It is time to rest
A moment in time
We never have enough time you see

By Brock

Trouser Trout

These trout come in all sizes and shapes ,
Some as so small that you feel like you
Can squeeze them to smithereens .
There are some that are so large that
You can't get them inside a boat
For you are afraid the boat will sink !
When the right size of trout comes along ,
It is fun just to watch them dive in and out
Of the cold blue water ,
When you see the beautiful ones in and out
Of the water , their whole body is always
In a beautiful state of vibration
From their protuberance of their breast
To their hips to their toes !!

Sometimes when fishing fore these fish ,
You get hooked before you know it .
All you want to do is lay out
Under the sun and just have some fun .
The sun is about to go under
And you wonder , who has the reel ,
Because you have just swallowed the hook line and sinker .
The girl in the red trousers has you for life .
She will always have her teeth in you .
She will give you just so much line .
So if you want to go fishing tomorrow ,
Don't go for the trouser trout go for
The rainbow trout for you will have the reel and all the line
For these are the blue ribbon trout ,
When you go fishing tomorrow , don't get hooked
On a bucket for you never know what is in it !!!

By Brock


The mental image of a fantasy is so colorful and so imaginable ,
That all you have to do is shut your eyes for a second and you
Can be were ever you want to be for hours .
The fantasy is always in your head .
It is never as true or real as when you wake up from your dream .
You can not hold a fantasy like holding a cold can of Michelob
Beer at two in the morning .
A fantasy can not be touched like a sensitive good night kiss .
In a fantasy nothing ever smells anything like a yellow daffodil .
Nothing is as true or real as when you wake up from your dream ,
But a fantasy always makes you feel good for you can keep
A fantasy in your heart for ever .

By Brock

Friday, December 9, 2011

Lover's Fuel # 3

lover's Fuel # 3

Never be afraid to pull the fat out of the fire to help
The one you love .
Tell your wife not to worry about ever thing for it only
Brings on wrinkles .
The last thing is never forget your anniversary .
These are something's that makes your anniversary .
These are something's that makes lover's fuel and they
Help make marriage run smoothly .

OH YEA !!!!!!!

As I come to the end of this road I would like
To wish you two happiness ,
I hope the world treats you kind .
I hope all your flowers grow to full maturity .
I hope all your dreams come true for you two and your
Family to .
Have a happy marriage !!!

By Brock

Lover's Fuel # 2

Lover's Fuel # 2

Don't ever forget your in-laws .
If you are going to have to sing in the shower
Make sure you sing " The Never Ending Song Of Love "
To your wife !
You two will have to put up with a lot of things .
Now lady remember after a rainy day your husband plus friend
Will have a rainbow over his shoulder .
Your husband should always remember after a bad day at the office
That you have a rainbow over your head and that you are a saint .
If you or your husband are sad you are sad , if you are happy
Your husband is happy .
There has to be some dreams and laughter along with sadness
In marriage .
Marriage is like a life time commitment .
You will have to put 100% into your marriage .
Marriage is a big elevator of emotion , what you put into it
You can get out of it .

Some night your wife will only let you ear a white straight jacket
And some night she will let you be Tarzan.
Never one of you should ever be afraid to be your self .

Never complain about the type of jeans you or your wife
Is wearing in the family .
Never complain about the ring in the tub in the bathroom
For it is to big for just one of you to wear .
Say boy , never forget to keep the lid down in the bathroom .
Say husband , always squeeze your charmin once a night after supper.
When doing the wash on Sat . your wife and you will have to ride
The Tide even if you don't like to do it .
Sometimes you will have to wash your hair with two pairs of hands
Johnson and Johnson just to get things out of your hair

By Brock

Lover's Fuel

Lover's Fuel

When you get married and surely every day ,
After the blessed event you two will have to feed
Each other some lover's fuel .
You must remember once you are married you two
Are one not a duel .
There is a lot of things that makes lover's
Fuel burn continually .
You will have to take one day at a time for
Marriage is not always a colorful ride on a carrousel .
You two will have to believe in luck and something
Called magic .
When things go right , take the time to thank God .
When you want to do something and your partner plus
Friends comes back with give me a rain check ,
Don't get mad just say OK .

Start every morning with a kiss .
Never go to bed with fight in your eyes .
Never complain about the stockings hanging in the bathroom
For when they are are dry they go on the best legs
In town .
Each of you will have to set a side sometimes to spread
Each other's wings , for when you and your partner comes
Back home there will be more communication .
You two will also have to set sometimes to be alone together
Just to have some fun , like dancing and never worry about
Your mate just make sure you come home together .
Never be to busy to tell your wife how lovely she looks
And how much you love her .
For pete sake , never call her your old lady who - who .
Say , boy just remember your wife has to be a saint to put
Up with you .
Think things out before you do something stupid .

By Brock

Bad Girl

A good girl goes to heaven .
A bad girl goes every where ,
If she is real bad , she might
Have her own brothel .
In her house it is salted with her friends .
The salt is never used on food !
When a john comes in more than coffee
Will percolate .
A john's appetite is always wetted by
Just looking at her .
She will always give you temporary satisfaction .
She will never use the word love .
She will whip away an 18 year olds childhood .
She'll take an old man and give him
His childhood back temporarily .
A bad girl's back never sees the light of day .
She runs a risky business .
She has so much to reveal .
All to have a good life on earth
For God will keep an eye on her forever
And the bad girl to but the good girl
Will for sure go to heaven .

By Brock


In the bible it is written
The words do not be afraid
It is spoken 365 times
If you tell someone
You love them 365 times a year
That is only once a day
When you read something
Or say something 365 times
It truly means something
So do not be afraid
And I love you always

By Brock

The Runner

He who runs free as a spotted butterfly .
He who always has a kick at the end of his run
Like the sting of a bee .
He who never looks back like an owl in the night
For someone just might be running up his back .
He who runs like smooth stream running water
Yet has the strength of a lighting volt .

By Brock

Truck Driver

Truck drivers always see the handy work of God by just looking
Out the wind shield .
They see the yellow sunrise over the Atlantic to the orange sunset
Over the pacific
They see the maple trees of Maine
To the grain fields of the Dakotas
To the potatoes of Idaho
To the apples of Washington
To the oak trees of California
To the beautiful birds that fly above the cape
To all the animals that loaf along side the truck
To the dry lands of Arizona
To the stars that brighten the plains of Kansas at night
To the majestic snow caped Rocky MTs of Colorado
To down and over the Mississippi river
And pass the rainbow trout streams
And over the pictorial Appalachian MTs of Virginia
And back to his home where people are kind
And were he is loved by his family and loved by God
For the truck driver always keeps an eye on God's handy work

By Brock

Years Ago

Years ago we had morals
We had standards .
Today we have pencils
We have erasers .

By Brock


We may have an ocean between us .
There may be mountains to climb .
There could be fences to cross ,
We could be on opposite sides of the rainbow .
We may have many obstacles between us .
But time is the longest thing between two places
And most of all between friends .

By Brock


You tell me you need me .
Well, I need me,
You tell me you can help me to be happy ,
When I find me , I'll be truly happy .
You and I will then "both " be happy ,
Where it really counts .
We will truly have a splendid time
Under the apple tree just you and me .

By Brock

Go Darling Go

Tell me darling why are you shaking
Like a little beautiful apple tree in a tornado ?
Tell me why are you crying like there is no tomorrow ?
Do you have something to tell me that will hurt me ?
Your teeth are rattling like you have been lying
To me between your teeth .
Darling are you trying to be straight with me
now ?
I will listen and understand the best I can .
I will not promise you an ice cream cone .
I will not promise that you'll have a home .
I will only listen .
Do you want to tell me anything ?
Do you want to go any where for you have another show ?
If you have to go go now ?

By Brock

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Lost Love

When I think of a lost love , all I have to to is look
At a sunset .
When I see a brightly lit sunset hanging over a quiet
Still lake , I think of her smile .
When I am in a few row of trees hunting for some pheasants
And I look to the west , I feel as if you are playing
Hide and go seek with me .
When I look to the west some days , I see a bright red
Sunset and it looks so wicked that it reminds me of the fire
In her eyes when she was not happy .
The sunset is so far away and each day it changes its colors .
Maybe that is why I lost her out west , because she was
Not ready to settle down ?
I will always look to the west and to the sunset
And wonder if she will ever settle down as nicely
As the sun does some days !
I will not be able to hold a sunset , but I get to see
A new one every night and it will always be out west .

By Brock

Little Girl to Mom

One night a little girl came into her mother's room .
The little girl was crying up a storm .
Her daddy had died a few days ago
And this was the first time that the little girl
Wanted to talk .

She asked mommy where is daddy now ?
The mother wiped away the tears away from the little girl's
Eyes and wiped her tears as well .
The mother held the little girl trying to think of something right to say.
She told the child that the greatest daddy of them all had gone to heaven .
The little child said with hope in her eyes ,
Where is heaven and can I go to ?

The mother with a frog in her throat said heaven is above the stars outside .
She said the stars are the bottom of heaven and each star
Is a window for daddies to always keep an eye on their children .
The little girl through for a time and said it must be great in heaven
If the bottom of heaven looks like this at night .
She said will I ever get to heaven ?
The mother said with love in her voice oh yes we will all
Be there with daddy someday.
Let us go to sleep tonight so daddy can sleep easy tonight.

By Brock

An Angel

An angel does not always wear a white garment .
They have many beautiful complexions .
Angel never have any restrictions .
When you talk about angels , you never talk about
Age or sex or height or weight .
All an angel has to have is a pure beautiful soul .
You ask what is an angel's occupation ?
All angels do is pray for and love everyone ,
It seems angels can fly for they take themselves
Lightly , but don't let that fool you .

By Brock

Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Special Girl

She had chocolate colored eyes that could melt
Her dad's eyes .
She was the true queen of hearts .
When she smiled , her teeth were so white
That I knew her soul was pure .
When the sun sparkled in and out of her hair ,
Dad could always see her halo .
She always carried a rainbow and a passion flower with her .
Her spirit was always high as the farthest star .
She didn't have a chance to grow up for God came and got her .
Before it was her time , but oh was she a special little girl .

By Brock

Hide One's Feelings

You can hide your feelings in your heart .
There are times you are vamping with your feet
And there is no music to be heard .
Late in thee afternoon some people will walk
Up and see you looking out the window pane .
They say you have made your home ,
But you always smile .

To me you are a young pussycat .
When ever I come over to see you , your always glad .
You never talk about your inner pain .
As a friend , I can see your trying to conceal
Your hurt feeling from me to , but all I
Have to do is look into your eyes .
I know you have troubles and worries ,
But I will always be here for you you see,
Because to me you are special .
You can not hide your feelings from a true friend .

By Brock

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Today is the birthday of tomorrow .
Today is the first day of fore ever .
Today could not have come without yesterday ,
Today is here for untried dreams ,
Never waste a day in your life in an unproductive way .
Try to make today and everyday a celebration
As long as your name is not in the paper under obituary !
Today is now ,
Today in its own way is here for you .

Being Alone

Being alone is not bad ,
It is sometimes the best type of solace .
Being along brings out your spiritual perception ,
That you didn't even know you had .
Being along you never had to be wigged
Which is to be scolded .
If anyone asks me what I do being all along ,
I'll say I'll feel so free .
I will go and count the molecules in the water in the rivers or the near by stream ,
If that is what it takes for me to be along and so unrestrained ,
Maybe someday we will meet out in the middle of the water
You and me .

By Brock

Paint Me A Sky

Paint me a sky with bright blue
To go with my lost love's eyes .
Put a cloud in my sky
So I can go there and hide when I cry .
Put many stars in the open spaces in the sky ,
For behind every star is a dream that can come true .
I need to look to the sky for old memories
And reality of life and for dreams if not just for me
But also for you see .

By Brock


When you laugh , your eyes go away .
You laugh so happily .
When your eyes are closed ,
You don't see any pain or sadness in your world .
When you laugh , your heart is so opened .
I wish , I could laugh like that Smiley .

By Brock

Thursday, November 24, 2011


When I learn to ride my bike
I got hurt but I learned to ride my bike .
When I learned to roller-skate
I got hurt but I learned to roller-skate .
Life is full of its ups and downs .
It has its joys and its hurts but this is life .
Life is not this simple .
But oh how sweet it would be
Just to get on board and ride your world
And see where it takes us .

By Brock

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Homesick At Home

I am in my home in the plains of South Dakota
But I am homesick ,
I look outside my window ,
I see many tumble weeds blow
I see they don't even want to stay .
I feel like its me and my dream against the world today .
I know , I have grown up a little this day
For I have realized that tomorrow has so many new and untouched possibilities .
Hey am I really home-sick ?
"Hell no there is nothing paralysis inside me no more ."

By Brock

A Place

There is a place were I can go and hold the world at my command .
A place were discrimination is never heard and were money is never spent,
But everyone is rich .
A place were guns never fire only shown as of the only way to get
Things accomplished in the past .
We don't use arms here we only use communication , love and prayer
With God and our fellow man to get everything done .
This is a place were love is shared not taught .
A place were feelings are shared not kept in someone's heart .
A place were things in the road are moved a side.
This place is not just in black and white for there is to much color in this place .
A place were things are talked of getting better never of getting worse !!!!!
This place always has beautiful music playing .
Here yesterday was only yesterday ,
For tomorrow is but a day away .
A place were laughter is only a smile away .
By the way , do you know were this beautiful place is ?
I will see you all here some day .

By Brock

Weather Forecast

You change the weather forecast for me ,
When ever you are with me you make every
Day a feeling of a warm summer time day .
You take the snow of winter and make it
Into a warm beautiful snowman's world
With warm love .
In the spring when it rains ,
You show me birth brought to us all to see
And the smell because of the rain .
In the fall , I see beautiful foliage falling
To the ground and the sun going under the clouds
You tell me to reach for the warmth in every day
Spring , summer , winter and fall .

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Teach Yourself

You can not teach stupidity .
You don't feel any chills before
You do anything if you are stupid ?
There is no shortness in trying .
Pressure comes from desire .
A curve of a smile makes a lot of things go straight .
Parents make mistakes
Children pay for them .
Fear is the lack of faith .
You get one shot at life .
It is to bad we do not see
What the blind man sees .
Being happy is better than being perfect .
The magic could be in our mistakes ?
Secrets keep you sick .
Sometimes I cry and that's ok .
Teach yourself to make it through each day .

By Brock

Your Mountain

You fight every minute
To climb your mountain
For you may lose your foot hold .irk

You get many unpleasant scares along the way .
You dream to get to the top to be somebody .
When you believe , you have achieved your dream
You have reached the summit .
You have to realize that once you get to the peak
It is but a circle and only you can go around
And around and only may stay on top or you may fall off .
People will keep you on top or they will let you down .
You have to realize the best time of your life is right now
For you have lived all your yesterdays
And there is only hope for better things tomorrow ,
Say are you on top of your mountain right now ?

By Brock


You say things with your voice .
You illuminate so much just by the way you walk
Just ask me .
You express yourself with the way you move your hands
Just watch me !
One beautiful way to say anything is with music .
The most truthful way to say anything
For you can not lie is with your naked eyes ,

By Brock

Sunday Morning Blue

I wish , I could keep these feelings inside me all the time .
The feeling of a child's joy seeing red , white , and yellow
And blue balloons flying free in the air .
The feeling of not having to be quit as a church key
In a saloon on a Saturday night .
The feeling that I've gone to heaven , when I sleep in my
Love's arms .
I wish , time and the warm beer would not erase these feelings ,
But there is always the Sunday morning blues .

By Brock

Just Keep Asking

How do I keep from losing your love
How do I keep from running out of words to say
How do I keep a song in your heart from turning
Into a plain heart beat
How do I keep the brightness and promises in your eyes
How will I be able to hear your though the wine
How can I earn the things I can not buy
Just keep asking
How can I keep the weight of the world off your shoulder
How can I keep the spirit of the bull dog
How can I slow down the rush in my life
How can I keep the spell that you put in me
With your smile so long ago
Just keep asking
How can I say you make my day
How can I keep the wind at your back
How can I thank God for you and days like these
How will I know when yours and my shadow pass the sun
How can I keep my knees under the kitchen table
Just keep asking and you will find the answer
When you no longer ask how
You have lost more than your questions in life

By Brock

Keep Your Dream

Dream dream dream
Wake up
Row over
Always keep the dream

By Brock

Mother's Lap

She has everything that money could not buy.
She has her lap.
Everything is quiet there really may be !
She always said lean on me .
A child gets her parents blood ,
Genes , strength , name , patience and resources .
Let us not forget their mother's lap
It is always the right size day or night.
Mother's last forever ,

By Brock

Ride My Bike

I can not afford clean x !
I can not afford to blow my nose
Sometimes it hurts just to breath
Seeing someone smoke is like
Having sandpaper on my lungs
I don't count the stars up above
Waiting for you to come home at night any more
There is nothing I wouldn't do for you
Life is a tool don't waste it my little one
I am on a bike trail to your heart
Even if I don't know where you are
No body drowns in sweat
So I will keep riding to get closer to you

By Brock

Friday, October 21, 2011

Fire Place

As you sit comfortable by the fire ,
It will warm your extremities .
Sometimes it doesn't take away the shiver
That is deep inside us sometimes .
The fire gives off a glow of the future .
As you watch the glow , it will give you
A vision of right and wrong .
As you look at the fire , you can see the ice
On the nose of the Eskimo or you can feel the redness
Of the beautiful oriole or you can see and feel
The yellow rose around your lover's toe .
You could also see the big red nose of a happy clown .
What do you see , when you look into a fire place ?

By Brock

A Punching Bag Without Air

I am me a authentic human being .
I am not a shield for shelter .
I'm not a 6 foot punching bag
But I'm here for you .
There are those , who think I am feisty .
Some people believe that I am
But a comic - strip character .
I am not a sage .
I am not going to fight you or tell you
What to do for I 'm a human being .
I will help you the best I can with my ears
Not with a punch.
I will listen .

By Brock

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Sunday's Father

He works and kept a smile on his face .
He acts so exhilarant , but when Sunday comes
He wakes up with tears in his eyes .
He wipes his eyes as he starts his car
To drives 100 miles to see his son for a few emphasized hours .
He takes him to the park .
As his son plays on the merry go round with other children
Of other Sunday's fathers , the fathers just sit in a circle and talk about what to do next Sunday .
Each Sunday they get to look at their children playing
On all the pasaphers at the park and all the fathers
can look for their alimonies filled smiles.
The father's take their sons back to their mothers .
The father whips away the tears as their sons
Wave good -by until next Sunday .
The fathers drive their cars in a merry go round from Sunday to Sunday
With out a smile for they are Sunday's fathers .

By Brock

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Just Keep Asking

How do I keep from losing your love
How do I keep from running out of words to say
How do I keep a song in your heart from turning
Into a plain heart beat
How do I keep the brightness and promises in your eyes
How will I be able to hear your though the wine
How can I earn the things I can not buy
Just keep asking
How can I keep the weight of the world off your shoulder
How can I keep the spirit of the bull dog
How can I slow down the rush in my life
How can I keep the spell that you put in me
With your smile so long ago
Just keep asking
How can I say you make my day
How can I keep the wind at your back
How can I thank God for you and days like these
How will I know when yours and my shadow pass the sun
How can I keep my knees under the kitchen table
Just keep asking and you will find the answer
When you no longer ask how
You have lost more than your questions in life

By Brock


Freedom is having the ability to face
Your responsibility and the contradiction in life .
All you have to do is turn around and face your fellow man .
Give everyone a gift each day if its only your smile .
Freedom works in all places even at the bottom
Of the Grand Canyon .
Freedom makes you feel strong
And that you can always reach your summit .
People who have true freedom are never along .


Growth is to open a book you have never read
To trust someone or something you have never seen before
To open a door that is closed
Never cover up anything for it may be more beautiful tomorrow
To realize that we all need help
Never try to speed up time
To always ask what you are all about
To listen to all advise for no one really
Stops the process of growth
To learn new strength that is always inside yourself
To end more sentences with more question marks
Growth is an on going challenge that never ends
So enjoy your growth from the day are born
To the day you die

By Brock

The Soldier

I am a soldier far from home but not from civilization .
I do not carry a gun .
I am free for I don't wear any kind of camouflage ,
For I know who I am .
I wish , the world was laid out for me .
I am a soldier of the every day world
Trying to live each day to the fullest with a little glee .
A true soldier is never hard to recognize .
To recognize a soldier all you have to do is pay attention attention !!!

By Brock

Thursday, September 1, 2011


If you walk long enough and talk long enough ,
You may bleed from both your cheeks and feet
But you will have paid your does ,
When society begins to respect you for what
You have accomplished in life ,
They will then give you a bucket to carry
After someone else has put the things in the bucket
But for now keep walking and talking
And learn to say no politely .

By Brock

In Your Eyes

In your eyes I can see the furthermost
Star in the universe.
In your eyes I can see and feel the sunlight
On every stormy day .
In your eyes I see a treasure that is priceless .
Your eyes speak more honestly than if I held
You in my arms all night .
Your eyes speak more honestly than what you
And I will ever say .
Your eyes touch me more than if I held
You forever .
Your eyes give out more hope and light
To me than you will ever see .
You make me feel beautiful and strong
And that nothing can start without a dream.

By Brock

Monday, August 22, 2011

A Father Never Dies

When a father dies before his time ,
He goes straight to heaven and gives his loved ones
More strength than they had ever before .
If it rains when he is buried ,
It is God's way of washing away the father's sins ,
If he had any in his life .
If a horse whinnies like old Tilley during the burial
It is Old Tilley's way of telling God to open the gates
To heaven for a great rancher
Who always treated his animals and loved ones
With love and respect .
Old Tilley loved dad for he always
Had plenty of horse sense !
When a father goes to heaven ,
His eyes become satellites bigger than a rancher's dream
For rain in the spring and his vision over his love ones
Is never interrupted and he will always be able to see and
Hear his loved ones dream and pains .
He will always feel what is in your heart .
So if you have anything to say to your father ,
Don't be afraid to look to heaven and ask for his help
For your father like mine can help you and I for they have
An inside track to the almighty God .

By Brock

Every Day

Every day that goes by
We lose a little of our selves
But we also gain a little thanks
To every one we meet and every -
Thing we touch .
Squeeze as much as you can in a day .
Each day try and reach
Just a foot farther than what you plan
To do for remember a day is just a blink
In eternity .
Always hold your head up high
For there always some one
Looking up to you .
Each day keep your self in tune and also
Keep your shirt open a little
But keep it on .
Every day that goes by try and keep cool !

By Brock

Say Love

Do not isolate love .
Love is a touch .
Love gives me the sensation of walking
On a rainbow full of hope and with many
Bright colors .
Try and foster the feeling of love for ever and a day .
Love should never be taken for granted .
Let love make your day .
Love is never compulsory
If its there its there .
With love for your self and others
You ' ll find serenity .
Love opens many locked doors.
Can you say love ?

by Brock

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Through Time I Know

I've been waiting a long time .
I have learned to laugh on the out side while
Hurting on the inside .
I have learned self control which is mine .
I have learned to smile not die .
I know there are no gains with out pains .
I do not want pity , but I want respect .
I know this world is not tamed .
I know I can not get respect were I sit .

By Brock

Not Just Cats Take A licking

You can be friends then you can become
Lovers ,
You can't be lovers then become friends .
Teachers - teach boys and girls English , math
And all the subjects to graduate , but they
Don't teach you to be human .
You can not tell me how to feel .

By Brock


The longest day they tell me is in June and
The shortest day is in December .
My dear they were wrong .
The longest day to me was when you said good - by .
The shortest day to me was the day
You spent with me .

Don't ever walk in someone's shoes ,
Because who is walking in yours !

You make ne feel as high as a star in the sky.
You know how to improve your memory just remember ,
I will cry if it makes me feel good .

By Brock


I have never been drunk .
I have only been served to many at a bar
At a friends house
So lock up your bar when I come to your place.
Joe , Tim and Rick and you all !

Every man that has a happy side has a sad side .
Every man that has a sad side has a happy side.
Can you share both sides ?

By Brock

It Is Good To Know

It is good to know that there will
Always be a tomorrow.
To know how to wait is the greatest
Secret of success .
To be sensible is to know there is an
Eraser on a pencil .
It is good to know the meaning of the word "us " .
We are here on earth to have fun .
It is good to know that with all his
Horse since the horse doesn't talk !
When I am with Slick , Zeke and Weave its
Good to know they like to tease !
Ladies , who are called good looking
Chicks , move their hips when they walk .
When spring comes you get the fever
And the grass becomes green .
The fever comes and not everyone likes
To dance with you , but its good to know
There is always someone , who would like
To dance with you .
It is good to know the owl goes " who " !
It is good to have eyes to see , ears to
Hear and legs to move and hands to feel .
It is good to know , we all have a heart
To give and a heart to steal

By Brock

The Pledge Of Allegiance To The Flag

We went to school every day and we said the pledge of
Allegiance to the flag .
We did that every day till the 7th grade .
The teachers decided then . that we knew the words and
Meaning of the pledge .
When we graduated from high school , we didn't think of the
Pledge of allegiance to the flag only that the flag was
White blue and red .

I have since seen the flag being held high in was .
I have also seen it on the ground as a form of demonstration
Against the war .
I have seen blood on our flag in a demonstration in New York .
I have seen my flag , after it was tore .
Since I have been out of school , I can't remember , when
The pledge of allegiance to the flag was said in adoration.

I believe we should all say the pledge of allegiance to the flag .
I think we should all sing God Bless America as often as we can .
I believe we all can and should say and sing them every day .
I believe we should do this as a form of honor to America
And for what it stands .

By Brock

Saturday, July 30, 2011

There Are Better Things To Do

There are better things to do than to make
Derogative statement about your fellow man .
There are better things to do than spend
Sometime in jail .
There are better things to do than just
Sit around .
There are better to do than
Just have fun .
There are better things to do than
Going around saying go to hell !
There are better things to do than being drunk .
There are better things to do than
Laying out in the sun .
There are better things to do than
Thinking about yesterday .
There are better things to do than
Sleeping all day long .
There are better things to do than
Just watch TV. all day .
Sometimes it is better not to screw around
In the dark .
There are better things to do than fart around !
There are better things to do than work .
There are better things to do than
Always trying to understand a woman .
There are better things to do than
Write something silly like this .
There are better things to do than
To gamble your money away , just ask me .
Well , we all have to do something , don't we ?

By Brock

Saturday, July 16, 2011

A Home Of Not A Lot

My home town has not a lot
But I always want to come back,
The air outside morning noon or night
Is as clean as can be.
Waiting is a normal part of life there.
Growing up is growing old you see.
Some things that you see and hear
And eat at home makes you swallow twice.
My friends in my home town are not afraid
To tell me to turn up - keep up and shut up,
Because they love me.
Pressure at home comes from desire!
Think about that my boy!
At home you can fish or hunt or run and dream
All day or all night and that's ok.
My home town is just right for me.

By Brock


Music is the universal language.
Music is the combining of sound
And tones as a form of artist expression.
Music is like a beautiful package.
It sometimes brings about a revolution.
Music can be like a butterfly in flight,
With broad brilliantly colored wings, shining
Against the sun.
Music can bring about a sensation of sadism!!!
Music is like a seduction.
Music can bring about optimism.

Music tells a story.
Music sometimes pacifies my mind.
It sometimes makes me somewhat coy.
It sometimes gives me a high.
I don't want to hide.

Music you can play it in the house.
You can play it in the car or a new van.
You can write music about anything even
A mouse!
You can hear music in a bar.
You can hear music when your on your bed.
Music can be heard when you are on the couch
Or a coach.
Music always goes to your heart by the way
Of your head.
Music has this meaning to me.

By Brock


Telephone in Webster's Dictionary means - an apparatus and system
for transmitting speech and sounds by electrics in wires.
If Webster's Dictionary only knew what telephone really means.

The T in telephone is for the number
Of TIMES the phone rings and wakes you from
A nice sound sleep.
The first E is for EARNEST things that people
Tell you over the phone!
The L is for the LITTLE people
Whoever the phone wants you to believe
That they are important and big
The Second E is for my little EAR
The ear that has to hear all the guff
From all the drunks who don't know how
To talk on a mild tone!
The P is for PARENTS who tell their children
To call when they need help.
Parents need the phone to help them
Worry about their children, before they
Use the paddle!
H is for the HEARSAY you hear over the phone,
Because it is just information communicated by
Another gossiper!!
It is mostly rumors!
O is for the ONE to one talks,
You can have with a friend who tells
You it is not the end.
N is for every time your on the phone
The other party said NO to a question.
The last E in telephone stands for
All the ENERGY, we use on the phone,
That we could of been using elsewhere.
We all want to use the phone.
Some people just abuse it.
This is what a telephone means to me.

By Brock


The letter D is for deception
Defeat, defiance to a child.
I is for instruction, insurrection
Interference, invoke and
Idealization of mom and dad by
Their children.
V is for vacate, value,
Vanity, vanquish and violence,
Because the child's parents.
O is for order, objection,
Obligation, obedience, obstacle
And ok mom.
R is for rules, recede, receptive,
Reconstruct, regulation, reimbursements,
Relationship, between parents.
C is for re care, cooperation, correction,
Corruption, criticism and cry to dad.
E is for ha dad - mom is this the end?

By Brock

Monday, June 20, 2011

A Fighting World

Oh! God, what would you do if the world didn't fight for something?
First, when you created the heaven and earth there were
Fights between the Bengals and the Lions fight for food ,
The sky was full of Seahawks better known as Chargers!
The Seahawks charged the Eagles out of the sky,
You could always see a Cardinal trying to sit on a Ram's back.

You can always see a Cowboy ride a Bronco, with the little Colt along side!
The Cowboy always had Brown pants on!
Speaking of colors you could always see Indian Chiefs
With their Redskins Raiders coming after the Giant Cowboys.
And sometimes win.
God, when the war was over you could see the Falcons
Flying over for food.

Speaking of wars remember when there where only small wars
Between Vikings and the Buccaneers and all they fought for was
The meat of the Dolphins!
Now , we have Packers wanting Bears and Bronco meat and some -
Times Ram meat.
Speaking of wanting something now, we have the Oilers in
Texas fighting for more than 49 dollars a barrel of oil.

Today God, we have people in Washington fighting over Bills.
We have Bills in congress to get more money for Jets so they
Can be used as Chargers against the USSR!
These men think they are Patriots, I can say the Patriots
Of today are not like the 49's of years gone by.
I could say a lot about the Patriots in Washington today.
But all I will say is Oh God, They are no Saints.
God, what are you going to do about all the fighting?
God, don't tell me you are just going to sit and watch TV!
Oh God do you watch football like me!!!
You know God I am a coach!

By Brock

Baseball World

Oh! God when you started making the heaven and the earth
You had the Cardinals, Blue jays and the Orioles flying high.
You had the Tiger, who were Giants in the earlier days.
God you had and still have the lonely Cubs.

After a few lean years you gave us the Indians of America
And the Mariners fighting the Pirates on the sea for royalties
Of the monarchy.
Who wants to be the Royals!
After the Pirates expose north America, there were wars
Between the Braves, who wanted to stay and the Rangers
Who want to protect the white people.
The Indians wore red paints and Red Sox.
The Rangers wore White Sox so the Indians and Rangers could
Tell who they were fighting, not that the Rangers and the
Indians could ever be Twins!
The Indians were called the Dodgers, because they could run.
The Rangers were no Yanks, because they were from the south.
The Rangers never got A's from the way they fought!

The Padres ended the war by having the Indians and the Rangers
In America come to Philadelphia!
They Met and had beer at the Brewer's home.
They ended their strikes and wars!

God had the Astros in the sky.
The Padres to pray, because the Pirates and Mariners
Were no Angels.
God, had the Cardinals pray for the Indians and the Rangers.
Thank God!
God, had the Astros to watch over them all.
Oh! God thanks for baseball.

By Brock

A Gift

I gave a gift to a hot tempered kid.
She would not except my gift.
She thought I was a nice prick.
I told her its just the thought
That counts, but after I left I
Would like to have given her a kick.

I could not use the gift.
I gave the T shirt to my receptionist.
She took the shirt, that was a little
Small on her, but what a fit!!
She excepted the gift with a smile on her face
I would of liked to have given her a kiss.
She did not make me feel like a prick.
Now with a smile on my face, I'm going
Down to the Oasis.

By Brock

To Call At This Time

I thought of a girl last night
I was going to call,
But I didn't want to restrict her time.
Her Time might be occupied?
I was not capable of calling at all.

I thought of all the time that had lapsed.
I thought of spring when we sat in a swing.
I thought of summers when we were light headed.
I thought of winters when I would keep her phone a jingling.

I remember traveling 244 miles just to get a good nights sleep.
I remember the joy and respect and love
And everything she gave me.
I have given her a long thing.
I have given her a little round thing.
That shines in her eye.

This is not the time to think of the hard times.
This is not the time for heart aches.
This is the time to make some money
The Big State B's basketball tournament is on TV.

By Brock


It can move as fast as a roaring jet.
It sometimes moves like a slow cranny.
Time can be an asset or a liability.
We never want time to sit.

Time is for us to use.
We can us it to heal.
We can use it to expand our mind.
Time is never typical.
Time is like a burning fuse.

When we want time to rush along, it moves so slowly.
When we want time to slow down, it moves so swiftly.
Time can be happy.
Time can be sad.
You should never think of time as of something you had.
You should think of time as something you have.
So use the time you have correctly!

By Brock

The First Place

Good morning honey???
Yes, I went out drinking last night.
I didn't get drunk in the first place!
I didn't get drunk in the third place,
But I was getting funny!
I told stories about you and me!
In the forth place, I almost got into a fight.
You could say, I was just clumsy.
I did not get drunk in the " 5 " place!
When I got to the sixth place, I thought of our love live.
Honey, that was no jive,
That is why, I came home so late last night.
Before you say anything about last night,
I want you to know I love you.
I love you in the first place,
I love you all the time.
I didn't forget that today is mother's day.
Our children and I will always love you Honey.

By Brock


There is a pain inside of you when
You loose someone you love,
There is a hurt feeling when you are
The last to be picked.
The hurt comes when people make fun of you.
Pain is when people believe you are taboo.

There is a pain when after five and one half years
You have reached a goal.
Now that you reached that goal, there
Is nowhere else to go from where you sit.
You have to think of another goal to go for.
You know it would be more of a pain
To sit tight.
You cannot go and say take this and shove it!

There are many kinds of pain.
There is a pain you get when a beautiful
Lady will not dance with you.
There is a hurting feeling when you are not invited to a party.
People at parties worry about the right chemistry.
You see!

There is always a kind of pain from worry.
There is pain just sitting around killing time.
There is a pain I sometimes get from thinking
Of all the mistakes I've made.
Sometimes pain makes me feel unfree.

People need many kinds of pains.
We need the pain of happiness.
We need the pain of sadness.
People need pain for it means growth.
People with pain always have challenges.

By Brock

Adults Should Sometimes Act Like Little Children

Little children like to show a smile.
They do not know how to lie.
The child believes in dreams.
He doesn't know what prejudice is or means.
He knows how to show love.
He does not know the word hate.
The little child can't take people and push and shove.
He may say what is to discriminate?
A little child never seems to waste a minute.
He laughs with people in joy, but he
Never laughs at people.
The child always wants to reach the summit.
A child always feels special.
No matter what you do, a child is there
To listen to your problems and ready
To put his little arms around you.
A child has a heart of silver and gold.
Ready to give.
He is never cruel.
He just wants to have fun and live.
He ask what is a handicap?
Is it something in the head
Is it just a disadvantage?
He seems to be smarter than some people,
Who wears ties and a hat .
A child believes in the word magical.
He doesn't show it but he is logical.
He always wants answers.
Now parents and adults tell them how to act
Isn't that to bad.

Life Is Like A Basketball Game

Did you know that life is sometimes like a basketball game?
When a basketball game starts, they jump ball.
Everyone reaches for the ball.

When a child is born everybody wants
To hold the child till it balls
Which is sometimes a shame.
After a game gets started the players
Begin to run ragged. The coach prays
For a quiet time out to settle them down.

When a child first begins to grow,
He runs all the time to see his world
And his eyes are always a glow.
He causes his mother to run ragged.
If only she could get him to settle down!

Once the ball game settles down,
The players learn team work.
They pass the ball around, they learn
They can't always play one on ones.

The child grows up and goes to school.
He learns he can't do anything without
Friends, he finds out that there are
Always set plays in life. In basketball
There is the give and go!
The coach would say kiss and go!

By Brock



By Brock

Long Shot

Sometimes the boy in school takes out a girl and
He will kiss her and she will go!

When you make a mistake in a basket ball game,
The referee will call foul - foul
When a man in life makes a mistake,
The people may call for the law.

The ball game is now in the last quarter
It could just as well be in the first as well
As the fourth quarter. The player could be
Winning or loosing at this point. They sometimes
Take long shots. No matter what the players do,
The cheerleaders watch.

Now in life it could be in the beginning
Of life or at about the end of life men take long
Shots in the dark! They sometimes score,
But no matter their mother and coach will
Always watch.
They will always say never give up.
I am coach Brock!!!!

By Brock


My feet are so that they could balance The world.
I have the strength in my legs to be a marathon runner.
I have the lean legs to be a great sprinter.
My hands are as rugged and strong as a horse.
My hands are as soft and gentle as an orchid.
My shoulders are as strong as to hold the human race.
My shoulder can be as soft as a beautiful lady's smile.
My eyes are as clear as clear as a clean stain glass window.
My eyes always see through people who are ignorant.
My ears are as strong as not to hear a fool,
My ears are as tender as to hear a baby's cry.
My mouth is always open for communication.
My mouth is always shut to criticism.
My chin is never down.
My mind is always clear of prejudice.
My heart is as big as a condominium.
My heart has never been broken.
My faith in God is always strong.
My spirit is never broken.

I wish, I could forget all the mistakes I've made.
I wish, I could get by a day without
Feeling like I'm on a sale block.
I wish, I could get by a day without
Seeing ignorant people.
I wish, I could get through a day
Without feeling hurt.
I wish, I could get through a day
Without forcing a smile upon my face.
I wish, I could receive some respect
For what I have done.

I have coached a team to an undefeated season.
I wrote a song that was number one.
I never cry.
I never worry about time.
I never sleep alone.
I am a great fisherman.
I am the best hunter of birds.
I am never drunk.
I always listen to my friends and enemies.
I am never a fool.
I never receive abuse from the human race.

I guess some dreams are never fulfilled.
I guess, I will always have dreams.
A dream of a better job.
A dream of a better life.
I will never give up on love for my fellow man.
So dream my fellow friends.
Our dream may come true!

By Brock

I Need Your Hand

I can catch a fallen star and hand it to you.
I can get you to believe in love again.
I can keep the moon shinning all night long.
I can keep the glow in your eyes all night long.
All I need is your hand.
All I need is your hand.
I can make the sun shine for you all day.
I can make the mighty Mo river seem like a farm
Yard stream.
I can make your loneliness a thing of the past.
I can make you feel like walking on a cloud.
I can make the weight on your shoulders feel like wings.
All I need is your hand.
All I need is your hand.
I can make the tables of life turn easy time for you.
I can make the burning fire under your feet feel
Like a cool breeze.
I can make your tear drops turn into lolly pops.
Nothing will be the same for you and me.
All I need is your hand.
Yes all I need is your hand to make our dreams come true.

By Brock

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Lasso a Memory

The Butch Cassidy and His Hole in the Wall
Gang of 72 gallop no more,
But every year since they still lasso
A memory, when ever I see the basketball
Tournament on TV.
There is no more big bang from the big green machine.
The gang is still running and gunning in their own
Special way.
They talk to this day about the victory,
They brought back to town.
After all these years the smoke has cleared,
But we still have and always will have the crown.
Who ever said Yankton was robbed!
The gang will go down in history as one of the best.
In all the years wouldn't you think the gang would need rest?
Maybe maybe maybe!!
The guns maybe a little rusty!!
I still remember the guy that shot a 44 inside.
There was a guy that shot a 22 always from the wings.
There was a guy , who shot a 34 from every angle even from the top
And yes, there was a guy, who liked to assault you from way
Out in the boon docks with his 32 cal. that never missed.
There was also, a guy with a 40 cal.. gun who liked
To out jump them all!!
I will always have happy memories of that gang, with all
That speed and with all those guns and all their power!!!!
I was coach Brock to that team in my dream!!

By Brock

Getting Old

The older you get,
The faster time flies.
The questions of live are fewer now.
You worry less about what people think.
Your laughter has turned to a type of trustless.
The more you are catalogued.

The older you get,
The more the pants and shirts don't fit
Like they once did.
The eye's sight is more tunneled.
The hair is lighter.
The plate at supper is never empty.
The radio and TV is turning up louder
Than when you were young.

The older you get,
The more your tummy seems to sag
Out and over to you knbow where!
Your face has a new value to the young.
The hands are ruff for all the things
And people you have touched and held in all your younger days!!
Some pain now never goes a way with time
As it once did.
It only increases theses these days.

The older you get,
The more people call you Ms
Your friends are fewer than before,
But they are stronger than before.
Your runs down town have turned to a slow walk.
The older you get the closer you read the
With age you have less to say,
But one thing to the young you all say is
"There is an old rule the young get older
With time, so keep on trucken"!!

By Brock

I'm Getting Older

When I was young, I wanted to be older.
I dreamed of being alone out in the ocean.
Some times I dreamed of being a wave,
Just rippling back and forth all day
In the bright lit sun light.
Now that I am older, I want to be younger.
Ever one is younger than I.
Now I sit at my desk, working my tail off.
The dreams come much fewer these days.
I dream now of sharing a dream if its Only of a four leaf clover.

By Brock


The long over do vacation
The end of a long separation
The lack of sleep
A rekindle of old flames
The reawaking of old friendships
The hypertension, because of the apprehension
Of the memories of old times
The joy for happy new memories
So let us all have a happy reunion to remember
The drinks are on me!!!

By Brock

Today or Tomorrow

Everyday is a new day.
Today is your birthday for every day is a new beginning.
If you live only for today, you will ruin what tomorrow
Might bring.
Do not let any day pass you by.
Do not wait for life to come your way.
Today begin your life the way you want it to be.
You should always look toward tomorrow with a little glee.
Never look back at yesterday.
Always look forward to today and then there is tomorrow
And a new dream for you.

By Brock


There is hope in spring fever and in a rainbow.
There is always hope in tomorrow.
There is endless hope were the sunshine glows.
There is always hope in being in love.
A new born baby brings hope to the human race.
There is hope in a mother's smile.
There is hope in something so simple as laughter
And a hug.
There is endless hope in dreams and in miracles.
There is always hope in chivalry.
There is endless hope in the beginning of everything.
There is always hope in prayer.
To have hope all you have to believe in your
Fellow man and to believe in yourself.

By Brock

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Time Can Not Erase

Time can not erase the hay maker
You hit my heart with.
Time can not erase what your eyes
Told me, When I first met you.
Time can not erase your sultry voice.
Your like a sunny lit rivulet.
You just can not forget.
I always want to go back and fish
A little bit more out of my little
I have such a good time being out
With her that I could never erase
Her from my memories.

By Brock

It Is a Bad Day

When you wake-up and all the sheets are on
The other side of the bed,
When your easy over eggs turn over good and hard,
When the shirt you put on is one button short,
When the pair of socks you put on have also,
A pair of holes,
When all this happens in the morning it is a bad morning.

When your at work and you want your first cup of coffee
And you can't find your cup,
When your phone never stays on the hook,
When you have to tap your scalp just to relax for am
Minute and it helps you find some new energy and you
Don't even have any hair,
When you want to go home early and this time nobody cares,
Because all day you have been a bear,
You can say you had a bad day at work.

When you come home after work late and your wife
Gives you warmed over 3 times lasagna.
When your kids don't want to talk to yea.
When you want to lay back in your easy chair
And watch a special movie on TV,
But you fall asleep,
When your wife wakes you up to go to bed and you say
Let us go to bed,
It was a bad day for me.

By Brock

The Point of No Return

I have passed this point more than once.
I've had to much to drink and have over
Ran it even when I wasn't even conscious!
Sometimes, I have said more than I should have said.
I wish, I could go back to the point of no return
And stop or just turn the other way.
One hope I have is tomorrow is a new day.

By Brock

One Day At A Time

I wake up and restate each glorious day.
I do not rehash yesterday.
I do not try and reincarnate what I did the day before.
I live each new day as a conquistador.

Yesterday is what it was and tomorrow is, but a dream
Not lived yet.
So I live one day at a time,
Each day is but an investment,
An investment into dreams.
I ride each day with its ups and downs,
But I try to end each day on a high.
I hope today ends up just fine.If today does not end up ok,
I always have tomorrow to make better for I
Am a conquistador of one day at a time.

By Brock

Happy Birthday

Today is a brand new spectacular day,
Put a radiant smile on your face.
Each day try and express a new through to someone new.
Be like a caterpillar open up your heart a little each
Day and we just might find a beautiful butterfly.
Each day is a new day.
On your birthday you should not think of yesterday.
Think of yourself becoming of age.
Today is a special day, but every day is special
For it is brand new and a beginning of a new age!

By Brock

Hard To Resist

It is hard to resist a friends smile
When it wants something you can give it.
It is hard to resist a knock at the door
At 3:00 AM. and the party at the door just Wants a pizza and a smoke and a beer!
My house is always open to a friend even
If it seems it is a pit!
When friends come to my house, I
Always have some cheer.

It is hard to resist when I play
Cards with Dave, Steve and Zeke to see who
Is play right!
It is hard taking their money.
When I am with them, I can
Not rest, there is never to much time in the night.
We all talk about a piece of honey!

It is hard to resist, when driving
On the sidewalk in a red bomb,
Not to have some fun.
The fun of thinking of singing to a friend.
It is hard to resist a pun.
It is not hard to have fun with them.

When driving my car it is hard to resist
Playing chauffeur for a pair of friends.
I tried my best, but it is hard to resist,
I always have to check my back tires!
One time going to a dance with Slick
And J.W. I was the chauffeur
We saw a moon that was so bright.
Slick couldn't resist to "Look at her "
It was so bright that Slick and I
Saw two moons that night.
It is hard to resist but this is the
End of this.

By Brock

Night Terror

There is the lying alone.
The lying in terrorization.
The four walls even terrors me just a crack.
The night is no sanctuary.
There is the anxiety that success of the day
Can mot banish.
I wish, I could rationalize my head ache
My heart aches
And the fears of the nights alone.

By Brock


When I am without him,
I think of a slow rain
On a lonely afternoon.
As I look out the window
Of my farm home away from home,
I see a fox just unable to run free
And I question why you had gone.
As I turn my radio on,
The first song I hear is Make The World Go Away.
I felt unhappy , so I started to fix dinner,
But by the time I went back to the stove
About everything had been burnt.
And had lost all its flavor.
Oh, I wanted to call you to see what you are having for dinner.
You will never again answer the phone.
I gave up on eating for the night,
Because, I some how felt lousy.
Well without him today, that's just how I feel with out that is ok.
And in my dream, I hear him say
Good - by and please be happy
And I will always be with you
And I will see you someday.

By Brock


This is a time for a change,
After seeing you for the last time tonight,
I feel scared and ho so strange.
Tonight, I know I am not going to sleep,
My knees don't want to stop their trembling.
I am going to turn out the light.
My stomach is on a roller coaster ride.
I have only been in bed for just over an hour
And my pillow is so wet, it doesn't seem to be
A cushion for my head ache.
I do not want a wet blanket,
So I am going to start tonight and make some positive changes.

Tonight, I am going to do some positive thinking.
I will fall to sleep, before the sun rises.
In the morning, I will turn on the lights on
And turn a new leaf in my life.
I will thank God for a new day and a new beginning.
I will take each day as it comes.

By Brock

Good - By

You can say good-by with a long letter.
You can give a hug and a tear.
You can say so along on the phone.
You can send flowers.
You can give a gift or gifts,
But the hardest good-by is just with the eyes.

By Brock

A Woodwork Friend

Have you ever known a friend, who a year ago
Wouldn't cross the street to say " Hello"?
These friends think of you as ephemeral.
They come out of the woodwork, if they want you to do something.
You become the flavor of the day, after doing them a favor,
They become a type of bird of prey.
They always say I will see you around.
Tomorrow, the friend will tell someone
That you are a clown.
So when you go home tonight, check your woodwork!

By Brock

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Winner

Being a winner is being alive.
Haven't you heard of a born winner!
They all reach for the high five.
They are always a little more chipper.

If they have a choice of two things to do,
They will do the one thing they haven't tried yet.
They never become unglued over their own spilled milk.
The winner never tells someone to take a hike.
When ever a winner meets a new challenge of any kind,
Win or lose they always find some type of good return
Out of it.
Everyone should strive to be a winner.

By Brock

I Am a Winner

As a boy, I dreamed of being the next Casey Tibbs.
The next Bart Starr, The next Lou Brock.
I played all the sports as a boy for my friends
Let me play even if I didn't have the best agility,
But I had the ability and the joyment of having fun with my friends.

I am pushing 30 today.
I can not play all the games like I use to do,
Because of the situation I am in today.
I still have the ability to have fun watching all
Types of activities!

I do not shoot birdies in gulf, but I still
Shoot a few pheasants.
Once I hit aces on the tennis court, not the only
Aces I get are the ones I get in a card game.
I seldom struck out in a baseball game or softball game!
Now the only time I strike out is with the ladies!

I use to play basketball all hours of the day and night
Making all those lay ups!
Now I only get laid up after trying to make those lay ups today.
I use to swim a lot in the municipal pool.
Now, I just sit by the family pool drinking my favorite brew!

I use to play football as a young boy then I became a (Coach ) trainer
For my high school team then I helped the boys out at Black Hills
State and go to some of the away games.
Now I just sit home and watch all types of football and
Sports in general on TV, because I am
Coach Brock you see
And because I am pushing 30!!

Today, I am a winner for I realized I can't play all sports,
But I can still fish and hunt and jog and see how the sports world
is going on TV even if I am pushing 30.
There is one thing I have after playing all these games that is the name " Coach Brock "
But I never made the Hall of Fame like Lou Brock or Slick or Kim.
But I couched them all and never got payed.

By Brock

Two Black Walls

Two Black Walls

They are not black walls of empty granite.
It is a memorial of 57,939 soldiers killed in Vietnam.
The memorial is simple two stark, black walls each
246 feet filled with names etched in the granite.
The memorial is not simple.
Some veterans can not look at it.
Emotion runs high, the shiver up their back
A tear for a lost one.
No matter, who you are you have to think of the first
Man that died in 1959 and the last man that died in 1975
And ask why.
You ask, "Where have all the men gone."
They have all gone to heaven fighting for our country.
I may never go to the Vietnam memorial, but on this Veterans
Day in 1982, those two black walls are full of memories
And boy did those walls shine and they will forever
For us all to remember the men and women, who died
For us in the Vietnam war.

By Brock

Cell Talk

You go to your cell.
I will go to mine.
You say your cell is always black and white.
My cell does not have bars like yours.
My cell does have many colors.
When you are in your confinement, you talk about sex.
And about the hell of a world outside.
When I am in my confinement, I talk about sex
And about the hell of a world outside my window.
You may not get out of your cell tomorrow.
I get out of my cell many times over and over.
So if you want to talk about confinement of any kind
Just give me a call.

By Brock

Saigon Dispatch Home

Hi lady, I feel like I am in a fox hole.
I still hear incoming fire.
Sirens go off just behind my head.
I wish I could retire.
I have my radio.
I hear the bomber and the M16's fire over head.
I have no ammunition of my own. but if anyone
Else over here needs anything, I have the radio!

They know that when it gets bad, I can call and
Get Charlie Company.
Charlie Company always comes to the rescue.
There are captains, sergeants and higher ups
All around me.
There is nobody in my hole, but the radio.
I wish I could tell you about this dirty war over here.
I will try and come home by 6 PM. to see the children and you.

I just wish I didn't have to go to my Saigon, when the sun comes up.
When I come to work or go to war, I have to wear strong make - up.
The only thing I can do in this situation is stay in my fox hole
Or get shot at or run like hell.
After I get out of here, I am going to run isn't that just swell.
Say lady do you want to run with me?

By Brock

Talk to Me

I went for a run this morning early
and talked to Tiny
I then went to lake Louise to fish
and boy did I see the pheasants
and the water the ducks just getting to lake Louise
was something the fog.
I fished for a while
and talked to Tiny while fishing in the fog!!!
He said keep fishing, well I did for a while longer!!!
but the master fisherman had no luck!!!
I know Tiny is having a laugh on me!!!
Tiny, will always be with me day or night
The only thing Tiny does not do is answer back!!!!
But he will always know what I am doing

By Brock

My Home Town 1983

My home town is some kind of town.
The restaurants in my home town cook, so elegantly that they
Invite you to bring your doggie.
The local fire Dept. has a new truck that leaks water out
Of the tank.
Our news paper only comes out once a week, because it only
Has one dictionary.
The school board worries more about coach's winning, instead
Of educating the kids with the best educator, they can get.
My home town cops are so true blue that they take coffee breaks,
Just before the school kids get out of school, so
They don't have to to see their own car out run by the punks.
If you go down Main Street you would think that one family owns
All the buildings on one side of the street another family owns
The buildings on the other side of the street,
This reminds me of a man, who owns two gas stations and he
Is worried about the only other gas station in town, because
It is not owned by someone in town.
The streets in town are like driving from pot whole to pot whole.
The town is so big, that the mayor and chief of police went to
High school together.
The town is so small, that everyone knows what everyone drives
And everyone knows everyone,
There is one thing that my home town has that travels so fast yet
It never goes anywhere it is the people's mouth.
There are people in my home town, who try to suck are out of a room,
There are people, who don't give a dam, there are people,
Who want to talk about the hospital administrator having been accused
Of embezzlement, to a Dr., who is so poor, that he is thinking
About bankruptcy procedure, because the people in my home town
Are so poor, or is it just because how you feel about your home town
That makes you feel poor or rich or just sick in the head?
How do you feel about your home town are you feeling poor or rich
About your town?

By Brock


Have you ever walked the streets alone late at night?
The only light you had was from the full moon lit night.
Your head was always down low.
You didn't care about the passing of time.

Have you ever walked the streets along late at night?
You don't even feel like walking a straight line.
There were no more sweet rewards for you.
Your heart was hurting too.

Have you ever walked the streets alone late at night?
Have you ever wanted to go in to the bar to grab one
More bottle, but all you could do was reach for the
Nearest street pole?
So you knew it was time to go home.

Have you ever walked the streets alone late at night?
Well its time to get help.
It is time to go home, even with the risk of a fight
With your wife.
If you love one another, maybe tomorrow night,
You will walk the streets together.
You will not have to walk the streets alone at night.

By Brock

Railroad Track

The idle railroad track rolls along
North and south east and west.
People dwell on both sides of the
Railroad tracks.
The trees along the railroad shade
Both sides equal.
The sunshine's on all sides of the
Railway where ever it goes.
There is equal space on both sides
Of all railroad tracks.
The green green grass along the rail-
Road track grew hand in hand.
So who cares what side of the track
We are from or what side we are on?

By Brock

The Guitar

The Guitar is a beautiful musical instrument.
If you play it right it will bring us all enjoyment.
Sometimes people pick on me even hitting me
On my old flat backed back!!
People even once and a great moon break my strings
And get me out of tune.
Ha! if you play with me, we can go far.
We can go to the country.
We can go down to New Orleans.
Let us all go down and have some fun.
Let us all go around the world you and me and the guitar.

By Brock

Why Write

I write poems because of the people
Who always make derogative statements
About me.
I write the poems for those
Who think I will not amount to much.
The poems are written for the people who
Can't or will not except me for what I am.
The poems are specifically for my friends
Who took me for what I am, who believe
In me and who laugh with me not at me.

By Brock

Beautiful Things

The most beautiful things in life are natural.
After a rain fall there some times a beautiful
The sun coming through the branches of a tree.
A barn swallow flying with his forked tail.
Daffodils blooming along side a hill.
Trout jumping out of the water to get some sun
The sunshine on you and me.
Take a walk through a park and smell the flowers.
The most beautiful things in life are natural.
The true
The heart beat of a lover
A child kissing a dog
The sweat off a hard working man
A child's laughter
A reached out hand
The stars light from heaven
The green green grass of home.
Sugar and spice and all beautiful things!!!
To you what is natural!!

By Brock

Cottonwood Lake

It is not a large body of water surrounded by land!
It is surrounded by a lot of weeds, even seaweed!
She is no Normandy.
She has a lot of falsities, but with all of them
It is my little dream land.

You get up in the morning and the sun is moving
Rhythmically with the water.
I think it is why the whole world can not be as perfect.
There is no clatter chatter.
Oh! no the cabin door opens and my friends bring the beer,
So where did we go, to the cabin's deck!
We all had a great time, with 7-7's and Bud and Miller!

We talked for hours.
It was getting late.
We sat and just watched the moon dance on the water!
It was great being out at the lake, but now we
All had to go back to our not so perfect worlds.

By Brock

Friday, May 20, 2011

Washington DC

Washington DC. is not a state, but it is always in
A state of comedy.
There is never a dull night for there are two unin-
Terrupted parties 24 hours a day.
One party is so old and with so old ideas that they
Are called the GOP!
The GOP. is called you guesses it the " Grand Old Party "!!
The GOP. is sometimes called the fat cats!
The democrats are the other party, who treat all
Others as his equals!
They believe in democracy like bought parties do!!
The party with all the fun is the GOP,
Or as I call the fat cats!
The democrats are called the rats!
The rats are into helping the little guy.
Today, the fat cats are eating and using everything
Even the rats!
So if you want anything done today or at night,
You better belong to the fat cats!
The GOP. or the fat cats are therefore the only
Party in Washington DC. with the power and comedy
And the comedy in town!!
This is what Washington DC. means to me!!!

By Brock

Zeke's Strong Weed

It is a beautiful day, calm and free,
The time is as quiet as a nun.
So Zeke and I went fishing.
We went to lake Louise.
There was no breeze just a little sun.
I wore a jacket it was green.
Zeke wore his letter jacket!!
Don't ask me what color his letter jacket was!

We sat on a log threw out our lines.
We talked about our fish stories,
We first got our lines hooked on a strong weed!
]We should have fished downstream.
Maybe, we could of been home eating sardines!

Zeke finally started pulling in fish hand
Over fist!
He put them all on his stringer ,
It was getting later.
I just got the largest fish of all.
My stringer wouldn't hold her.
Zeke went and got the best stringer put
It on the largest creature.
He put the strong stringer on the strong weed!

Darkness settled over Lake Louise.
Zeke and I decided to go home.
Zeke went and got his stringer of fish.
You will not believe this my creature
Somehow went back to the lake he owned!
I know I should of stayed home and ate
One large sardine.
All this happened because of Zeke.
Who knew the strength of a strong weed!!

By Brock


Garbage comes in different colors.
You can say it comes in various aromas.
We walk on it.
We throw it away.
It has many shapes and sizes.
The sun's rays are blocked by a type
Of garbage given off by the brains of
The human race.
We give it off just by the way we talk.
Just listen to each other someday.
We as people, will have to learn to recycle
Garbage the best we can, before it eats us
All alive and we become a dump where a human race
Once smelled a rose.

By Brock

The Sure Things

The sure things in life,
One sure thing is the mountains,
They resemble the elevation,
We humans have to climb to reach our peak.
one more sure thing is the earth we inhabit.
It resembles the solid matter that holds every-thing together.
We can not grow without it.
Life is a sure thing.
We start out new,
Then we try and reach our peak and then try to
Help others reach their peak and help us all with each others
And then there is one more sure thing that is death.

By Brock

Splitting at the Seams

Whenever I am with weave, Steve, Jonezie
Dave, Spooks and Zeek, I can
Be me .
I play the number one coach to Slick.
I tell him how to make a slam dunk
But Slick's hands always slips.
Slick you are going to be a doctor
I hope your hands don't slip.

Steve and I always seem to drink.
I have my 7-7 and he has his Miller.
The sun begins to come up and our mind
Begin to contract spontaneously or we would
Just say shrink.
We always have fun over at Zellers.

I go to the lake and see Jonezie
When I am out there we try to water sky.
I end up at the barbecue.
Jonezie and I always seem to have fun
When we argue.

I have a friend who always weaves.
He always seems to weave out of trouble.
When he is with girls, he likes to tease.
When I coach him in football, he weaved
But he was not gentle
I call him Mr. Weave.

Spooks and I like football
I like Nebraska and he likes red wine!!!!

When Nebraska looses I never Spooks a call
When Nebraska wins, Spooks wants more wine.

Dave and I are good old boys.
We talk about Flat Land Band and
Aaron Baron.
We talk about our great song writing
I ask him when he will be full grown.

Now I come to Zeke
With him I can be me.
I coach him how to fish and hunt and eat.
I am his first child ( Adriene ) Godfather
He better not say heh-heh.
When Weave, Steve, Joneszie, Dave, Spooks, Slick
Zeke and me get together we always
Split at the seams

By Brock

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


She is a forceful lady.
Her hands have held more than her share of grandchildren.
She taught us to respect our fellow man even a dog
Named Negger.
She made us eat our spinach like Pop - Eye!
We ate our carrots for better eye sight,
Because we could not figure out how she could know,
What we were always doing.Her eyes are so parlaying.

As we got older, she keep us together.
She always had a needle and thread.
She said we were like Art Linkletter's kids,
Because we all said the dandiest things!
She had a rocking - chair as As The World Turns
I could not sleep all !

When we were in trouble we all knew were Gran-ma's
House was.
She prayed for us and kept an eye on us no matter how
Old we are.
She liked to play with us, fish with us and hunt no she
would clean the birds!!!!
She always kept a sharp eye out for the pheasants!

She will always be a force within me.
She will always be my Pop-Eye.
She will always be kind.
I hope that some day I will be able to hold as much as
She has held, in all her years and still be standing.
There has never been a contagious bone in her body,
Even if she ate to much for her own good!
There will never be a better Gran-ma then our Gran-ma.
Oh Gran-ma, I wish you where here for me today.

By Brock

Grandma's House

The grandchildren thought of it as a palace.
Everything in it seemed so large.
The kitchen always had a warmth of something cooking.
You may not like what Grandma was cooking, but you always
Knew it was good for your health, if it was only
By the way she spoke with warmth of the natural beauty
Of the country, when she stood over the oven.

The living room was always alive.
The room had flowers and plants growing every where.
The TV was never turned off.
The window shades were never pulled.
Everything in it had a bright glow about it.

Oh! the bedroom we always wanted to take our naps
On the couch and watch TV, but Grand-ma knew us to well.
When we wouldn't sleep, she would pull out the hated rocker.
She would get us to sleep and put us in the bedroom.
If we woke-up we just layer there along with a clock
That always ticked me off, until she said it was time to get up.

The bathroom, was a place where we ran in and out of all the time.
Grandma taught us to use it, but even when we said and did some
Bad things, she would march us into the bathroom and wash
Our mouth out with soap, but no matter what room
We were in we knew Grandma loved us.

By Brock

Give Love

Be affectionate to all children
Always try to comprehend the teenager
Always make the poor feel adequate
To the sick give hope
To the elders always ask them about intelligent things
And thank them always for their help along the way
And there-fore giving them a reason to survive
We all live on a course in our life
We will all need some help along the way some day
But always give love

By Brock


A joyful expectation.
Sometimes it gives me confidence.
A desire to go forward
It is more than a wish.
Hope is a nice way to help cope with each day.
Hope is a type of foundation.
We have it in our old age, but we have more
Of it in our adolescence.
Hope in today and tomorrow
Keeps us all interested!
With hope there is always a possibility for success.
With hope in your heart and a joyful expectation
For today and tomorrow.
You will always have hope for fantasticality.

By Brock

An Aunt and Uncle

What do you say to your favorite aunt and uncle?
What do you say to an aunt that washed and played
With my hair, when I was little ?
What do you say to an uncle, that lets me use his
Name on my C.D.'s?
What do you say to the only aunt and uncle, that
Never laughed at me?
They never doubted my abilities.

When I was small, they took me places and we played
Bad mitten too.
When my dad died, my uncle was there because my
Heart was aching.
When I think of my favorite aunt, I think of her
When I got older their hear and door was never
Closed on me or you.

When I was at their home, I had to use the vacuum
And do the cleaning!
My uncle did the cooking.
My aunt was to beautiful to get dirty.
One time I went to the store to get something and it
Wasn't cabbage!

What do you say to them for putting up with my
Stories and visits and a letter now and then in 25 years?
I think all I can say is happy silver anniversary.
May their heart and door be open to me and all the
People, who love you two always.

By Brock

New Year's Eve 1980

New Years Eve 1980 and here I am in a lonesome state.
Dave would say I am just a lite weight.
Zeke is at a card party drinking and trying to get
A strait.
Tim is in Rapid City trying to accommodate
His wife.
Pat I think will be some where trying to negotiate
With the law.
Steve is with Zeke trying to imitate Jimmy Stewart.
Slick will be with Nanc and try to appreciate what
He has even if he said he is the ace!
Jeff will be in trying to rejuvenate the sports store
In Miller on New Years Eve!
Bruce will speculate on land deals in Wyoming on
New Years Eve ha ha!
Moorezie will await his mate.
I wish I had a date, but all I am doing is thinking
Of my old high school class mates,
What will you try and do in 1980 on New Years Eve?

By Brock