Sunday, August 31, 2014


Once in the while you need to
Lay up and not drive over the water !
I am much more than some spice
In your life .
I am your uncle .
I'm older than you
And I still do not carry a filter
For my mouth !
Don't try to block me
Just try and follow me  !
The older you get  the more you
Know and truly understand .
I hope you understand all that
Some day ?
Be the best you can be
By first listening to me
And I will stir you right
With more than a cup
Of hot coffee at night  !!

                       By Brock

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Without Hope

Without hope there is no tomorrow .
Without hope nothing will grow .
Without hope there will be no change  .
Without hope and God why do you pray ?
Without hope you may be ripped apart .
Without hope you have no heart .
With hope in my heart
I pray every day .
                                 By Brock

That Look

 She kissed me on the school bus .
We got stars in our eyes .
She was only mine
For just a while .
When we got off the bus ,
I got that get away
From me look .
I was 7 she was 6 .
The sun did not shine at all that day .
Would she still have that I do not
Want to touch you look in her eyes ?
I can still see her looking at me .
I am who I am .
I can feel and see that look from people
I do not know even now and then .
Oh that go away look ,
But oh that kiss.
I still feel all of it .
                                    By Brock

Feel Alive

Every morning wake - up 
With your eyes wide open .
Remember the second hug
In the morning or at night
Is just as important
As the first one in the morning
Or at night .
Make every moment
in your live rich ,
Give everyone a good time
When you can .
I'm not here for a long time .
Don't steal anything from anyone .
Don't let a man think that you
Stole something from him
Because then nothing  is the way
It was ever again .
Try to make the good times last .
You will feel better about yourself
And the people you run into each day
By just feeling alive today
and every day ,
                             By Brock

Friday, August 29, 2014

My Own Hopes

Today my plate is full .
I have my own hopes .
They say I can have
What I never had .
I know you listen to me
All night long .
I can not always express
What I emagine .
I was told by someone ,
Who was wiser than I
One night ,
When you survive something ,
That is a reason to celebrate .
I was also told to cast all your anxiety
On Him
Because he cares for you .
Your own hopes are his to
And he loves you .
                         By Brock

What Is Love

What is love ?
Love is never on sale
But only to be given away
In many ways .
It is not always easy
To make , but easy to show .
There are all kinds
And sizes of love !
You should never cover it up
Sometimes it is just not easy to see .
With love there is excitement
For everyone to share it .
You can get wrapped all around
It still yet after all this
Love may even hit you too .
                                  By Brock

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Use It

Its not what you have
But how you use it .
You have life and life is fragile
Handle it with a prayer
And that's not all .
Always handle your life with care .
You know it takes the same
Amount of energy  to believe
As to worry .
Believe in yourself and always
Use your body wisely .
                             By Brock

Sunday, August 24, 2014

A Friend

A friend will play , work
Cry and laugh with you
Just because of who you are .
He will always pray and worry
About you too .
You will ignite each other's curiosity .
Sometimes when a friend is thrown
A curve ,
A friend will come in and straighten
Things out for his friend when he can
And make things stronger between them .

By Brock

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Use It

Its not what you have
But how you use it .
You have life and life is fragile
Handle it with a prayer
And that's not all .
Always handle your life with care .
You know it takes the same
Amount of energy  to believe
As to worry .
Believe in yourself and always
Use your body wisely .
                             By Brock

Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Story Teller

The story telling memories .
Some days  days just become days
Until you start talking !
Talking under the stars
Is the best time for the story teller
Memories .
Sometimes they inspired me
To truly listen and to remember
The stories told by the story teller
In my family .
The story teller would tell me
You got to live the story
To tell the story
That is in your memory
Then to share it and try
To keep it all true
And try and tell it with joy
And laughter for all
No matter the age of the listeners .
Oh those story telling memories
I can still hear the story teller
Even tonight under the stars .
                                  By Brock

Friday, August 15, 2014

The End Of My Prayer

At the end of my prayer
What can I do ?
I know I truly belong to the Lord  .
I love him with all my heart ,.
He is always in my shoes .
He helps me sleep every night .
He is a world class friend .
He always plays and works with me .
If I am down,
He helps me stand back up .
We go places together .
We come out together .
We end each day together .
At the end of my prayer
I can pray again to him
Because it feels good to pray
There is no true end to prayer .
                                 By Brock

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Go Fish

There is always something
Happening while fishing .
The sensation of watching
An early morning sun rise
Breaking through the leaves
Of the trees that cascade light
Down upon the lake's water .
As we begin to fish on the clear
Glass water ,
The special feeling we have
And the peaceful serenity .
A big white bird or two
Will fly high and say hi
And go sit on a high tree branch
All morning and they watch us all morning too .
Our fishing poles bind at the same time .
We never hear the tick of any clock
Or feel a tick at all on our bodies
For we all are having fun fishing this morning .
                                    By Brock

Nothing Stays The Same

With no excuse no explanation 
I'm sitting outside
Looking into space .
I am fine for the shape I'm in
These days .
My dream is as real as it seems .
It's time to move on
With no excuses no explanations .
I have a new vision
For nothing stays the same .
                                    By Brock