Tuesday, May 30, 2017

The Autumn Of Life

Autumn is my favorite time of year ,
It is a beautiful season
With a colorful mix of joy and sadness .
I am in the autumn of my life .
I am sitting looking out my window .
At the glorious display of golden leaves
Falling from the young tree in our front yard 
The sun light the leaves as they gently fall .
It is a time for slowing down and gathering in .
I will try to be at peace in the autumn of my life .
God still has work for me to do .
I will slow down sit quietly and pray
And listen for guidance .
I will trust God's perfect timing and his assurance
To be with me with my fears
As I get older in the autumn of my life .

                                  By Brock

Sunday Is Coming

I tell people I am not what I do .
I'm not what I have .
I'm not what people say about me .
I don't need to worry about having
The last word .
I have everything I need in my heart .
I believe in God
That is who I am .
No body can take that away from me .
I don't need to worry .
I do not need to hurry .
I will trust Jesus
And share his love with the word .
When ever I have a bad day ,
I know Jesus will come someday
And Sunday is coming to
And I will be in his house that day to .

                                       By Brock

My Heart Sings

I sit silently in my back yard .
I do not regret growing old .
It is a privilege I have earned .
I've seen better days
But I've also seen worse .
I don't have everything that I want ,
But I do have everything I need .
I wake up with some aches and pains
But when I wake up
My life is not perfect
But I am blessed .
I have everything in my heart .
My heart sings every day
In my back yard
For my world is my back yard .
Do you want to come in the back
And sing with me
And together we will also listen
And see and share things and ideas together .

                                            By Brock

Thursday, May 25, 2017

To Grumble

I have a tendency to complain .
I know I can talk to you as much
As I like about the difficulty 
On the path I take .
I know you understand me .
The stresses and strains that afflict me .
I know I can ventilate with you .
Complaining to others is a whole other
Matter all together . 
When I complain to others ,
It opens a big door to sins
Such as self-pity and rage .
When I am tempted 
To grumble ,
I will come to you 
And talk it out with only you 
And I will put all  my thoughts  in you .

                               By Brock

Complain Or Adapt

When a child talks ,
There is nothing off limits .
When you get older .
You can not always be open with everyone .
Sometimes  you need to put on a show 
To make it through a day .
A child will just play 
And everyone is happy .
A child may complain .
They do not know how to adapt .
When you get older than a child ,
You may complain from time to time ,
But when you get older and smarter ,
You must adapt to your situation ,
Because you do not get a recess 
Or much of a time out like a child
                              By Brock

A True Friend

I may not be able to change 
Your circumstances 
But I can show you that God cares 
That is what a true friend does  .
I want to stand by when you are weary
And have been battered and disillusioned .
I want to be there to nourish and refresh
You with encouraging words 
And send you on the right way with a blessing .
That is what a true friend means to me .

                                                By Brock

A Clown With Tears

A clown will smile and put a light in your face .
He will stumble or fall in front of you so you will laugh .
He will see a smile on your face .
There is a special bond between you and him
That is unspoken .
The clown will dress up bigger than life
To tell everyone it is OK to be different  .
A clown always has a willing heart .
You will never see the tears
Craw down and out of his big eyes
Unless you go home with the clown at night .

                                               By Brock

The Bible

Do you ever do more
With the Bible than clean it ?
Did you know
When you carry the Bible ,
Satan has a headache
And you will feel better .
When you open the Bible up
Satan will collapse
And you will stand tall .
When Satan hears you
And sees you reading the Bible ,
Satan loses .
Your strength becomes stronger .
When you stand on the words of God ,
Satan can not hurt you .
Where is your Bible ?

                                       By Brock

Hey Trouble

You grow in your trouble times .
You gain insight .
Be strong and confident in tough times .
Trust God in the good times
But trust God even more in tough times .
Always do your best .
It takes steps to get to where you should be .
So keep moving slowly
For it is OK.
What is inside you
Is more important
Than what is outside you .
Your dreams will come true .
Be grateful with a grateful heart
Is all that God ask for from you .

                                By Brock

Wednesday, May 17, 2017


Do you suffer a little every day ?
Do you every say the word why
And why me ?
Will I be able to handle
What is overwhelming me ?
I was told that suffering
Will produce endurance
And endurance produces
Character and character
Produces hope
So I will start today
With hope and a prayer .

                      By Brock

Mother's Day

I 'll never retire from being a mom and a grandma .
Because of the kids ,
My creativity stays sharp even at my age .
I sometimes feel like a history museum .
Being a mom and now a grandma
I feel less like a luge race
And more like a sleigh ride .
Someday I will find silence and solitude
Because I am a mom and a grandma .

                           By Brock

God And Me

A God wise enough to create me
And the world I live in is wise enough
To watch out for me .
I will sow the seeds in spring
And God will produce the harvest .
I will keep moving
Forward after every bad day .
I will hold my peace
And trust in God .
I believe , I have some God given talent
I will do my best , pray
And leave the rest to God .

                                   By Brock


Are you spinning out of control
Once in a while ?
Your not spinning like a ballerina .
When you are spinning out of control ,
You must keep returning your eyes 
To a given point to maintain your balance 
Or you will fall down again and again .
Your circumstances are in flex 
And your world seems to be whirling 
Around and twirling around 
And you keep falling down 
Because you gaze to long 
At your circumstances .
You will keep being dizzy and confused .
Be courageous stop and refresh yourself 
And rest and believe in God 
And pray for help .
To get you back up right with the world 
Get your ears cleaned out and spend 
Some quiet time and listen to God .

                                     By Brock

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Your My Best Friend

Friends help propel joy and happiness .
You see your friends not your differences .
Friends share building blocks .
Friends put puzzles together .
Friends play all the games of live together .
Friends will listen and understand one another .
To measure a friend's love
Is love without measure .

                                        By Brock

Just Words

The words of others
Can wound us deeply .
It is sometimes impossible
For us to get through a day
Without being snubbed
Or ignored or just put down
In some way .
Sometimes you do it yourself .
Some people will talk smack
Like by bullying or threating
Or plummeting you with insults .
Your sense of self-worth
And well being has hit a low point
At your low point always remember
The love you freely receive from the Lord .

                                      By Brock

Take My Hand

Take my hand you know who I am .
Your life's path can be difficult
And it can drain your strength .
Your angel will never run away
From the rain or anything .
I want to help you with your day .
Open your shades
Let the light in
And look what you truly see .
I will always give you extra time
And a free hand
So you can be rescued
on your bad day by me .

                        By Brock