Thursday, September 26, 2013

My Grandma

Grandma cleaned my fish , pheasants
And even cleaned and cooked turtle .
She had home made soap that was used
To clean me !
You know what I mean !
She helped me grow .
She taught me never to give up .
She helped me learn to pray .
She had her gentle voice at times !
She dad protective arms
Yet strong hands to hold me .
When I needed her ,
She was there.
She would say
You need to believe in hope ,
And the Lord
And that hope is just ahead .
I felt when I slept and was sick
She was always awake and watched over me .
I feel she is watching me right now .
She seemed  to always pick me up .
When I was down
She was always trustworthy
And kind and fair .
I could always talk to her.
I still talk to her .
She never put me down .
She would say breath and relax .
She shared love with everyone she touched .
I talk to her when I fish , hunt or run
These days and she listens to me to .
I just wish she would talk back to me
her special way as grandma .

                             By Brock

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Winner

You have a voice .
You have your ears
To listen and to understand .
You have your eyes
To see what is ahead .
You only have the sky
Above you .
You have the ground
Below you to keep you grounded .
You have a life time
So don’t waste a day
By looking back .
Always keep your head  held high .
Always push forward in what ever you do
And always try to smile
And you will be a winner to me .
                                By Brock



As your grandpa, You will always
Shine like the sun in my eyes!
I will always try
To be a window to the divine
Just for you.
Grandpa will have unconditional love.
I will have persistent love for you.
I will never give up on you
And could not rest
If ever you would wander away.
Your grandpa’s house will always
Be open to you.
I will listen to you at any time
Of day or night
I would like to take you places
And show you my world.
Let me make a channel of your peace
When ever my beloved can not sleep .
                              By Brock


The Windows

Sit outside some bright night .
The stars up above are large windows to heaven .
The people in heaven are looking down on us .
If it rains , its only the Lord washing
The windows for the people up above
To help them see us
And to help us grow the seeds of life .
If it is cloudy , the clouds are little short time shades
For the star lit windows.
If you sit outside with a true friend
And look up above you will see
Your loved ones looking down on you .
Think how much more beautiful a night can be
When friendship touches it
With all the love around you .
                                        By Brock 


Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Your so sweet
For me I want to squeeze
Every dream out of you for me .
I think you will need
A team to reach all your dreams .
I don’t want any rusty dreams .
I want the dreams to happen
As fast as can be .
Remember life is a dream .
So let’s start reaching for dreams
You and me .
Each day I fish or hunt or run ,
I have new dreams to achieve
For you and me ,
Remember life is a dream
so come along with me .
                     By Brock


You’re only here for a while             
So do not hurry go smell the flowers .
When you go for a run in the morning,
Take it easy and look around you
As you go and look up above
And see what the sky looks like
For it is even different
Than yesterday morning .
When you go fishing ,
Always kiss the first fish
And always keep your fish line straight  .
Enjoy the clear water
When you go hunting
And if you don’t get a good shot all day ,
Take your camera and take shots
Of the hunters and their dogs
And oh yes their pheasants .
Look at all the smiles
On the hunter’s faces
And all the beautiful S.D. land scape
Oh the shots you shot !
Everyone will have fun if we all relax .
Always try to simplify your life
Every day and find time to enjoy each day .
                                      By Brock

Monday, September 9, 2013


You walked out of my sight
Are you still within sight of my voice ?
You are still in my soul .
You are in my heart .
If you don’t hear me now ,
I know I will always love you .
You are out of my sight
But never out of my mind
Not at any time .
                       By Brock

Saturday, September 7, 2013

To Truly See

Just when you think
You have seen it all
You need to look a little deeper .
The closer you look
The more you see .
Once and a while
You need to see
For those who can not see
And just try to show them
The right way
Because you know
Where their going
Because of where you have been
And what you have seen
In your clear aging eyes .
                     By Brock

Friday, September 6, 2013

The Last Word

When someone is troubled ,
And wants to talk to you ,
Find time to listen to them
And never look at your watch .
You need to have patience
Right from the start .
Always look at them
And open your heart .
Guide them the best you can .
Never finish the conversation  .
If no more words can be said ,
Let the Lord give the last word .
                            By Brock

My Dad And Uncles

They were and are true men .
They all have and had loyalty
And love in them .
They all worked with the reward
Of humble service and the care
For one another .
They all tried to do the right thing .
They all brought a more engaging
and colorful life to the people and kids
Around them .
They are and were special
Because they each have their own
Type of bursting of life !
With them all you had to do is ask for help .
If you got a hug or a hand shake ,
That is all they asked if that
With them you got things done together .
Even today , I feel their arms around me .
                                    By Brock

My Uncles

Life goes on years go by
But their memories
Will never die .
I think of them often ,
In my heart they will always be there.
The things they did and said
Will never leave me .
One would say what he thought
Had to be said and forget about the cost .
The other would show us
What had to be done with a smile .
It was and is always easier to bring family
Together than to push family apart
And they brought the family together ,
In November every year for a family pheasant hunt .
On the 4th of July they always brought sparks my way .
Once in a great while we would go fishing
In the same area my dad and I would fish .
Oh those stories they would tell me .
They embraces family always .
People talk about them in front of me even today .
I want to think that they
Just went fishing and hunting for pheasants ahead of me .
They are even showing me the right way to do things even today .
I talk to them once in a while ,
When I run or go fishing or hunting .
I know they hear me .
I just wish , they would talk back .
                           By Brock