Sunday, October 30, 2016

Worry Or Sleep

He will give me peace during the storm .
I will cast my cares on to the Lord .
I will take my worries off my throne
And give them to him .
Today is a gift .
God is in control .
Worry does not help me rest nor sleep .
Worry does not make anything better .
The Lord is bigger
Than any worry .
I love you Lord and trust and believe in you .
There is no need to worry
For I have you with me .
I will rest today
And tonight I will sleep .
In my dream the beautiful horse that  I see
Does not worry
So I will go to sleep
And let God take care of me .

                                                      By Brock 

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Can't Wait

Every thing is not outside.
Everything is not just right right now ,
I can not wait for tomorrow .
So much of me is outside .
This morning I am out back
With my morning drink .
The sun does not move nor shine .
I sure do not know everything .
I look up into the gray sky .
I do not hear a bird sing
Nor do I see one bird fly by .
As I look at the time 
That is on my wrist ,
The time seems to stand still ,
Because I have so much on my mind .

                                      By Brock

Friday, October 28, 2016

Be Strong

Wake up big guy ,
Because something good
Is going to happen today .
Live strong with a true strong soul .
No matter what happens
Keep your focus on your self
And always on God  .
God always sees you attired
In your radiant garment .
Remember God's way
Is much better than fair .
God's way is always peace and love
Which he has poured on to your heart ,
So wake up today
With a smile and be strong .

                                             By Brock

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Those Things

All these bad things
That happen to thee
Did not move thee .
Don't let the bad things
Get into you .
Let your faith and peace
Keep you strong .
Those things will pass .
You have deep roots .
Don't live on the surface  ,
When you are with God
Those things will not move you .
You are in God's hands .
Remember the blowing of the strong wind
In your face
Will make your roots stronger .
It is just one of those things !

                                    By Brock

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Tomorrow May Never Come

When you cry so hard ,
And you run out of tears
On a real bad day
God will pray for you
When you just can not talk .
You need the Lord's touch
Because of your fear .
You know you need to live
As if tomorrow may not come .
Lord thank you for getting me through
This day .
You need to sleep with the promise
Of tomorrow .
You need to take your future now
Moment by moment and enjoy them
And don't worry about tomorrow
For the Lord is always with you .

                                   By Brock

My Friend

I'm always turning to my friend
Any time my world seems filled
With pressures and demands
And it means so much to know
That someone who understands
My situation .
My friend will always be here for me
And care for me
He will share my world for more than
Just while
Because I need my friend
To help put a smile on my face .
Thanks to my friend .

                                    By Brock

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Talking To God

When talking to God ,
You need to end every thing
With a period
Never a question mark
For he has the answers .
When talking to God
It helps to remember to rely
On his presence .
You will feel relaxed and relief of being
Totally open with him .
You have nothing to hide from him .
Take time to savior the richness
And basking in his golden light .
When you talk to him in the morning
Or during the day or at night .

                                       By Brock

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Every Day

Always talk to God
Before you talk to anyone every day .
Ask God for wisdom every day .
Get your daily bread every day .
You need freshness every day .
Don't be afraid to talk to God
And ask him what he has to say every day .
You can not fight every battle
Without talking to God
And ask him for help every day .

                                                    By Brock

Saturday, October 15, 2016

The Old

You don't get older you get better .
Old School does not mean to get
Out of the way .
Your always better off helping others
If you are young or old !
The old get off the bus first
Because the old know where to go .
The older you get the more
Of an impact
You have on the young .
When you are old it is OK
To write a letter to yourself .
When you are old ,
You have a bigger
Heart of compassion  .
Remember the older you become
The more of  an impact
You have on the young  .
The old people know that
For a Fact .

                          By Brock

Friday, October 14, 2016

Kind Words

Kind words can lift a heavy heart .
I will help you to hear words of hope today .
I will help you to speak words of hope
Every day and encouragement to others ,
Pointing them to you always .
Thank you for leading me
In such a loving gentle way .
When I struggle in the circumstances of life
And the encouraging words from you
Can lift my spirits and my eyes to the lord  .
I hope to have a well instructed tongue
To know the words that sustains my weariness
And when I look to the Lord
I know He offers words of hope and light
In the darkness of my life  .

                                               By Brock

Sunday, October 9, 2016


I seem to want to rush through life .
I need to work on my patience
I have been told .
I worry to much .
I need to learn to wait
With patience , I also need
Joy , peace , kindness , generosity ,
Faithfulness and gentleness let me not forget self-control .
I need to always know
How to wait with hope .
With a special strength and energy
That will come with patience
That is all mine
And it will come in time .

                                            By Brock

Saturday, October 8, 2016

I Want To Teach

I want to teach you to choose
Peace rather than conflict .
You can threw out anger
And it will come back to you .
Your bible has God's wisdom in it
So do not be afraid to read it to .
Always extend a hand to a stranger .
Love gets your heart racing
And it gives out hope .
Don't waist time .
There is freedom in letting some things go .
You can not chip away at everything
It is not until you look back
That you may understand the past
Just a little better .
These are just a few things
I want to teach you in a hurry !!!
                   By Brock

Friday, October 7, 2016

It's Your Time

Time can not be bought .
It is how you use it .
I have so much to tell you
So take the time to walk
With me today .
When you walk with me ,
It is a privilege and a beautiful
Way for me to spend time with you .
Don't worry about what other people think .
Let me tell you eventually
You will blossom into a fine young man .
I whole heartedly believe in you .
Every thing will turn out just fine .

                                           By Brock

Some Good Medicine

Think about the time
When you were angry with someone
Or when you had an argument ,
How did you feel ?
What part of your life
Did it affect or seal ?
Remember a smile works wonders .
With a smile your tension defuses .
A smile has a fascinating effect
On your brain chemistry .
It is called endorphin .
Be kind and compassionate to one another .
Remember that a cheerful heart
Is also a good medicine
And like a smile for your own joy and well-being .
What is the cost of a cheerful heart
And a smile anyway ?

                                         By Brock

When I Pray

When I pray I talk to God
And his family and also my family and friends
For we are all a family of man
That is how I describe my conversation
When I pray .
When I pray it helps me see
Things as God sees them .
I feel like I grow closer
To him and all of you
When I pray .
I let him and all of you come into every
Area of my life and your presence
Known when I pray .

                                   By Brock

Sunday, October 2, 2016

The Eyes Have It

Do you have your eyes on me ?
Don't stare at me
See me .
There is always a test in front of me
Almost everyday of my life .
I will never give up or quit .
I know I will learn much more about life
Without speaking or read a word .
I will just watch and listen and move slowly .
I will see much more by doing it that way 
You will see .

                                        By Brock

Your Defender

God knows how to protect you .
The people who talk about you
Behind your back and their indifference .
The people who judge you ,
Give you misery and show you cruelty .
They will be little you to .
They will never give you respect .
Don't worry about what people say
Or think about you .
Never answer your enemies  .
They are a distraction in your life .
Don't waste your time on them .
Leave it all to your defender
And trust and believe in him .
You need to be still .
To know God as your defender ,
You will be at peace
Even if you are 64 !

                                    By Brock