Sunday, February 19, 2017

The High Road

Be vigilant not afraid  .
There is no limit to what
You can accomplish .
When you draw near
God ,
Your mind is refreshed
And your strength is renewed .
Always take the high road .
It is the most direct route to heaven .
When you take the low road ,
There is twisting and turning
Into agonizing knots .
The air there is heavy .
Relying on your own understanding
Will weigh you down .
When you take the high road
Your path is straight
And your always going the right way .

                                  By Brock

Your Dog

He will grow closer to you
With time .
He will have more patience
Than any human .
He has bigger ears than you and I .
He will always listen
To whatever you say to him .
He likes to go fishing
And hunting with you .
He is a kind of dog
You would like to have a beer with .
He will always be at your side .
He will never talk back
Or laugh behind your back .
He knows the word compassion .
He will always have good feelings for you
No matter what you may do to him
For he knows he is all yours .

                               By Brock

Love Each Day

I want to show you how
To spark joy in each
Task you face each day .
I want you to have patience
With yourself as you are .
When you have real doubt ,
You need to look for the light  .
I want you to keep your head held high .
An unbeliever is content with the darkness .
I always want you to be in the light .
I want you to always feel loved
And your love to impact everything
You do each day .

                                      By Brock

Monday, February 13, 2017


Love is patience .
Love stimulates your brain
Like a bunch of great danes .
Love is keeping your hands
Off my cookies .
Love is never putting money
On your pillow .
Love is compassion .
Love is you .

                     By Brock

Grandpa's Arm

When long nights are dreary
And I lay on grandpa's arm ,
I feel safe and secure .
He tells me if at first
You do not succeed
Your above average
Because you are trying .
You fear of anything
Is useless
But your faith is priceless .
Always do your best
And pray and leave
The rest to God .
Now lean on my arm
And you will be safe
And secure with me .

               By Brock

Don't Grow Weary

Do not grow weary and lose heart .
Do not fall into a trap of always
Being on the go .
Faith-testing time can be
Faith strengthening time .
I feel stressed and anxious .
I have pain and confusion .
I listen , I watch , I pay attention
Every day to make it through each day .
Jesus give me the wisdom
And grace I need to make my relationship
With you my highest goal and my deepest desire .

                                                      By Brock

Looking Back

I'd rather look back
At my life and say
"I can't believe
I did that "
Instead of saying
I wish I did that .
I don't have to live forever .
I just have to live .
I always try to take
One more step forward .
Life leaves marks
Yes good and bad
But with each mark
I move closer
To what I want out
Of my life .

             By Brock

Day Break

At day break
I will go for a run outside ,
Today I will reach out to those
Who feel like outsiders .
Today I will try to notice the unnoticed ,
Speak for the voiceless
And share a smile .
I will help to shine
God's light
Everywhere I go ,
Because I have been an outsider ,
An unnoticed and a voiceless so and so .
At day break I will go for a run
And I will not be alone .

                                   By Brock

Come To Grandpa

I will be the first person
Who will come to your rescue
When your whole world
Has gone to pieces
My little one .
Come to me to rest .
Slow down little one
And cling to my hand .
I will give you light in your darkness .
I will show you joy and peace
In your sadness .
I will always call you smiley always
My little one .

                                    By Brock

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Tears Of Worry

We  will never run
Out of things to worry about .
The tears maybe in the shadow
Of someone's laughter .
We know we are not alone or abandon .
We have tolerated all that we can .
We need to trust Jesus
No matter what
For Jesus gives us all that we can handle
Even if we don't understand at the time
Remember tears of worry
Will help us clear our mind
And soul and Jesus will always
Be with us .

                             By Brock

God's Love

God's love is strong ,
Available and stabilizing
So that we can confidently
Step into each day .
God's love is unique .
God's love is totally accessible .
It does not wither or fade away .
God's love is what matters most 
You will see .
With God's love all things are possible .

                                     By Brock


We have sex almost
Every day of the week ,
Yes almost every Monday ,
Yes almost every Tuesday ,
Yes almost every Wednesday  ,
Yes almost every Thursday ,
Yes almost every Friday ,
Yes almost every Saturday ,
And yes God all mighty
Almost every Sunday .
I guess I could call this
Sex almost , almost almost  !!!!

                               By Brock