Saturday, July 30, 2011

There Are Better Things To Do

There are better things to do than to make
Derogative statement about your fellow man .
There are better things to do than spend
Sometime in jail .
There are better things to do than just
Sit around .
There are better to do than
Just have fun .
There are better things to do than
Going around saying go to hell !
There are better things to do than being drunk .
There are better things to do than
Laying out in the sun .
There are better things to do than
Thinking about yesterday .
There are better things to do than
Sleeping all day long .
There are better things to do than
Just watch TV. all day .
Sometimes it is better not to screw around
In the dark .
There are better things to do than fart around !
There are better things to do than work .
There are better things to do than
Always trying to understand a woman .
There are better things to do than
Write something silly like this .
There are better things to do than
To gamble your money away , just ask me .
Well , we all have to do something , don't we ?

By Brock

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