Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My Home Town 1983

My home town is some kind of town.
The restaurants in my home town cook, so elegantly that they
Invite you to bring your doggie.
The local fire Dept. has a new truck that leaks water out
Of the tank.
Our news paper only comes out once a week, because it only
Has one dictionary.
The school board worries more about coach's winning, instead
Of educating the kids with the best educator, they can get.
My home town cops are so true blue that they take coffee breaks,
Just before the school kids get out of school, so
They don't have to to see their own car out run by the punks.
If you go down Main Street you would think that one family owns
All the buildings on one side of the street another family owns
The buildings on the other side of the street,
This reminds me of a man, who owns two gas stations and he
Is worried about the only other gas station in town, because
It is not owned by someone in town.
The streets in town are like driving from pot whole to pot whole.
The town is so big, that the mayor and chief of police went to
High school together.
The town is so small, that everyone knows what everyone drives
And everyone knows everyone,
There is one thing that my home town has that travels so fast yet
It never goes anywhere it is the people's mouth.
There are people in my home town, who try to suck are out of a room,
There are people, who don't give a dam, there are people,
Who want to talk about the hospital administrator having been accused
Of embezzlement, to a Dr., who is so poor, that he is thinking
About bankruptcy procedure, because the people in my home town
Are so poor, or is it just because how you feel about your home town
That makes you feel poor or rich or just sick in the head?
How do you feel about your home town are you feeling poor or rich
About your town?

By Brock

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